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Dictionary entries for the manufacturers. Only add phrases if they differ from the English spelling. Note that the name is case sensitive.

Available translations

This list contain all available translation. If a language uses the same spelling than the English it is added in brackets.

Name English Supported languages
C7 C7 Aerospace Division en (de, es), fr, it, ja, pt, ru, zh-cn
DKCE Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium en (de, es), fr, it, ja, pt, ru, zh-cn
EEG Experimental Engineering Group en (de, es), fr, it, ja, pt, ru, zh-cn
FCOTF Found behind the Clamp-O-Tron factory en, de, es, fr, it, ja, pt, ru, zh-cn
FLOOYD FLOOYD Dynamics Research Labs en (de, es), fr, it, ja, pt, ru, zh-cn
GNP Goliath National Products en (de, es), fr, it, ja, pt, ru, zh-cn
II Integrated Integrals en (de, es), fr, it, ja, pt, ru, zh-cn
ISPE Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics en (de, es), fr, it, ja, pt, ru, zh-cn
JKJSP Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co en (de, es), fr, it, ja, pt, ru, zh-cn
KD Kerbodyne en (de, es, fr, it, pt), ja, ru, zh-cn
KM Kerbal Motion LLC en (de, es, it), fr, ja, pt, ru, zh-cn
KMRPP Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc en (de, es), fr, it, ja, pt, ru, zh-cn
LYTC LightYear Tire Company en (de, es), fr, it, ja, pt, ru, zh-cn
MCT Maxo Construction Toys en (de, es), fr, it, ja, pt, ru, zh-cn
MPEG Moving Parts Experts Group en (de, es), fr, it, ja, pt, ru, zh-cn
OMB O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises en (de, es), fr, it, ja, pt, ru, zh-cn
P Probodobodyne Inc en (de, es, fr, it, pt), ja, ru, zh-cn
PeRS Periapsis Rocket Supplies Co en (de, es), fr, it, ja, pt, ru, zh-cn
R Rokea Inc en (de, es, it, pt), fr, ja, ru, zh-cn
RMC Rockomax Conglomerate en (es), de, fr, it, ja, pt, ru, zh-cn
RS Reaction Systems Ltd en (de, es, it), fr, ja, pt, ru, zh-cn
SC Sean's Cannery en (de, es, fr), it, ja, pt, ru, zh-cn
SCO StrutCo en (de, es, it, pt), fr, ja, ru, zh-cn
SEC STEADLER Engineering Corps en (de, es), fr, it, ja, pt, ru, zh-cn
STRAT Stratus Corporation en (es, it), de, fr, ja, pt, ru, zh-cn
VCASS Vac-Co Advanced Suction Systems en (de, es), fr, it, ja, pt, ru, zh-cn
WOAE WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium en (de, es), fr, it, ja, pt, ru, zh-cn
ZE Zaltonic Electronics en (de, es, it), fr, ja, pt, ru, zh-cn
 ? Found lying by the side of the road (this manufacturer doesn't actually exists but sometimes it isn't defined) en, de, es, fr, it, ja, pt, ru, zh-cn

See also