Difference between revisions of "Parts/Aerodynamic"

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m (fix russian translate)
(19 intermediate revisions by 11 users not shown)
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==== {{lang
==== {{lang
|en=[[Air intake]]s
|en=[[Air intake]]s
|fr=Entrées d'air
|fr=[[Air intake/fr|Entrées d'air]]
|pl=Korpusy silników oraz wloty powietrza
|pl=Korpusy silników oraz wloty powietrza
|ko=엔진몸체 및 공기흡입구
|ko=엔진몸체 및 공기흡입구
|ru=[[Air intake/ru|Корпусы двигателя и воздухозаборники]]
|ru=[[Air intake/ru|Воздухозаборники]]
|it=Prese d'aria
|it=Prese d'aria
|es=Tomas de aire
|es=[[Air intake/es|Entradas de Aire]]
|pt=Entradas de Ar
|pt=Entradas de Ar
Line 14: Line 14:
|hu=[[Air intake/hu|Légbeömlők]] [Air Intakes]
|hu=[[Air intake/hu|Légbeömlők]] [Air Intakes]
}} ====
}} ====
{{Stats Table Air Intakes}}
{{Stats Table Air Intakes}}
==== {{lang
==== {{lang
|en=[[Nose cone|Nose cones and tail connectors]]
|en=[[Nose cone|Nose cones and tail connectors]]
|fr=[[Nose cone/fr|Nez aerodynamiques]]
|it=Nasi Aerodinamici
|ru=[[nose cone/ru|Носовые обтекатели]]
|ru=[[nose cone/ru|Носовые обтекатели]] и хвостовые балки
|es=Puntas de nariz
|es=[[Nose cone/es|Conos y conectores de cola]]
|pt=Ponta de Nariz
|pt=Ponta de Nariz
Line 32: Line 31:
|hu=[[nose cone/hu|Orrkúpok]] [Nose Cones]
|hu=[[nose cone/hu|Orrkúpok]] [Nose Cones]
}} ====
}} ====
{{Stats Table Nose Cones}}
{{Stats Table Nose Cones}}
==== {{lang
==== {{lang
|en=[[Wing|Wings and wing parts]]
|en=[[Wing|Modular wings]]
|fr=Ailes et Parties d'Ailes
|fr=[[Wing/fr|Ailes modulaires]]
|de=Flügel und Flügelteile
|de=Flügel und Flügelteile
|pl=Skrzydła i części skrzydeł
|pl=Skrzydła i części skrzydeł
Line 43: Line 41:
|ko=날개 및 날개부품
|ko=날개 및 날개부품
|it=Ali fisse
|it=Ali fisse
|ru=[[wing/ru|Крылья и части Крыла]]
|ru=[[wing/ru|Сборные крылья]]
|es=Alas y partes de alas
|es=[[Wing/es|Alas modulares]]
|pt=Asas e partes de asas
|pt=Asas e partes de asas
|hr=Krila i dijelovi za krila
|hr=Krila i dijelovi za krila
|hu=[[Wing/hu|Szárnyak és Szárnyelemek]] [Wings and Wing Parts]
|hu=[[Wing/hu|Szárnyak és Szárnyelemek]] [Wings and Wing Parts]
}} ====
}} ====
{{Stats table wings|modular=yes}}
{{Stats Table Wings}}
==== {{lang
==== {{lang
|ru=[[winglet/ru|Законцовки крыла]]
|ko=소형 날개
|ko=소형 날개
|hu=[[Winglet/hu|Szárnyacskák és Szárnyvégek]] [Winglets]
|hu=[[Winglet/hu|Szárnyacskák és Szárnyvégek]] [Winglets]
}} ====
}} ====
{{Stats table wings|winglet=yes}}
{{Stats Table Winglets}}
==== {{lang
|ru=[[wing/ru|Цельные крылья]]
}} ====
{{Stats table wings|wing=yes|irregular=yes}}
==== {{lang
==== {{lang
|en=[[Control surface]]s
|en=[[Control surface]]s
|fr=Ailes de Contrôle
|fr=[[Control surface/fr|Surfaces de contrôle]]
|pl=Kontrolowane skrzydła i powierzchnie
|pl=Kontrolowane skrzydła i powierzchnie
Line 75: Line 83:
|ko=조종날개 및 조종면
|ko=조종날개 및 조종면
|it=Ali mobili
|it=Ali mobili
|ru=[[Control surface/ru|Управляемые крылья]]
|ru=[[Control surface/ru|Управляющие поверхности]]
|es=Alas controlables y alerones
|es=[[Control surface/es|Superficie de control]]
|pt=Asas e superfícies de Controle
|pt=Asas e superfícies de Controle
Line 82: Line 90:
|hu=[[Control surface/hu|Irányított szárnyak és felületek]] [Controlled wings and surfaces]
|hu=[[Control surface/hu|Irányított szárnyak és felületek]] [Controlled wings and surfaces]
}} ====
}} ====
{{Stats Table Control Surfaces}}
{{Stats Table Control Surfaces}}
==== {{lang
|hu=[[fairings/hu|Áramvonalas Burkolat]] [Fairings]
}} ====
{{Stats Table Fairings}}
==== {{lang
|en=[[Heat shield]]s
|hu=[[heat shield/hu|Hőpajzs]] [Heat shields]
}} ====
{{Stats table heat shields}}

Latest revision as of 15:45, 30 November 2024

Air intakes

Image Part Radial size Cost
Max. Temp.
Intake Air (Air unit)
Intake Area
Small Circular Intake Tiny 250 0.007 1 200 7 50 0.5 / 0.5 0.10
Circular Intake.png
Circular Intake Small 680 0.04 1 900 7 50 2.0 / 2.0 0.60
Adjustable Ramp Intake Small 2 680 0.06 2 400 7 50 2.0 / 2.0 0.74
Shock Cone Intake.png
Shock Cone Intake Small 3 050 0.12 2 400 7 50 2.0 / 2.0 0.75
Mk1 Driverterless Supersonic Intake.png
Mk1 Diverterless Supersonic Intake

[Note 1]

Small 720
2 000 10 50 2.0 / 2.0 0.61
Engine Nacelle.png
Engine Nacelle[Note 1] Small 600
2 000 10 50 5.0 / 5.0 0.50
Engine Pre-cooler.png
Engine Pre-cooler[Note 1] Small 1 650
(1 618)
2 000 10 50 5.0 / 5.0 0.50
XM-G50 Radial Air Intake Radial mounted 250 0.02 2 000 10 50 2.0 / 2.0 0.31
Structural Intake.png
Adjustable Ramp Intake (Radial) Radial mounted 900 0.01 2 400 7 50 0.5 / 0.5 0.10

The values of masses in the table don't consist the mass of the intake air (5 kg/Air unit), as you can see in the SPH/VAB.

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The Mk1 Diverterless Supersonic Intake, the Engine Nacelle and Engine Pre-cooler are a combination of air intake and liquid fuel tank of 200, 160 and 40 units. Only the air intake properties are shown.

Nose cones and tail connectors

Image Part Radial size Cost
Max. Temp.
Small Nosecone 1.6.png
Small Nose Cone Tiny 180 0.01 2 400 10 50
AerodynamicNoseCone Gray.png
Aerodynamic Nose Cone Small 240 0.03 2 400 10 50
AdvancedNoseCone-A White.png
Advanced Nose Cone - Type A Small 320 0.075 2 000 10 50
AdvancedNoseCone-B White.png
Advanced Nose Cone - Type B Small 320 0.075 2 000 10 50
ProtectiveNoseCone White.png
Protective Rocket Nose Cone Mk7 Large 450 0.2 2 400 10 50
ProtectiveNoseCone Mk12A.png
Protective Rocket Nose Cone Mk12A Extra large 850 0.4 2 400 10 50
Tail connector.png
Tail Connector A Small 675 0.2 2 200 8 50
Tail Connector B.png
Tail Connector B Small 675 0.2 2 200 8 50

Modular wings

Dimensions (m)
Image Part Radial size Cost
Max. Temp.
Lift L W (/ E) SD
Wing Connector Type A.png
Wing Connector Type A Radial mounted 500 0.2 2 400 15 50 2 2 4
Wing Connector Type B.png
Wing Connector Type B Radial mounted 500 0.2 2 400 15 50 2 4 2
Wing Connector Type C.png
Wing Connector Type C Radial mounted 250 0.1 2 400 15 50 1 2 2
Wing Connector Type D.png
Wing Connector Type D Radial mounted 100 0.05 2 400 15 50 0.5 2 1
Wing Connector Type E.png
Wing Connector Type E Radial mounted 100 0.05 2 400 15 50 0.5 1 2
Delta wing.png
Delta Wing Radial mounted 600 0.2 2 400 15 50 2 4 4 / 0
Small Delta Wing.png
Small Delta Wing Radial mounted 200 0.05 2 400 15 50 0.5 2 2 / 0
Wing Strake.png
Wing Strake Radial mounted 400 0.05 2 400 15 50 0.5 1 4 / 0
Structural Wing Type A.png
Structural Wing Type A Radial mounted 500 0.1 2 400 15 50 1 2 4 / 0
Structural Wing Type B.png
Structural Wing Type B Radial mounted 500 0.1 2 400 15 50 1 4 2 / 0
Structural Wing Type C.png
Structural Wing Type C Radial mounted 300 0.05 2 400 15 50 0.5 4 1 / 0
Structural Wing Type D.png
Structural Wing Type D Radial mounted 150 0.025 2 400 15 50 0.25 1 2 / 0
Swept Wing Type A.png
Swept Wing Type A Radial mounted 500 0.113 2 400 15 50 1.13 4 2 / 0 2
Swept Wing Type B.png
Swept Wing Type B Radial mounted 500 0.226 2 400 15 50 2.26 4 2 / 2 2


Dimensions (m)
Image Part Radial size Cost
Max. Temp.
Lift L W (/ E) SD
Basic Fin Radial mounted 25 0.01 934 4 50 0.12 ~ 0.5 ~ 1.2 / ~ 0 ~ -0.2
AVT1 Winglet.png
AV-T1 Winglet Radial mounted 500 0.037 2 400 12 50 0.37 ~ 0.75 ~ 1 / ~ 0 ~ 0


Dimensions (m)
Image Part Radial size Cost
Max. Temp.
Lift L W (/ E) SD
SweptWings.png Swept Wings Radial mounted 620 0.275 2 400 15 50 1.37 ~ 4 ~ 2 / 1 ~ 2
FAT-455 Aeroplane Main Wing Radial mounted 2 800
(3 280)
0.78 /
(3.78)[Note 1]
1 200 15 50 7.8 ~ 12 ~ 5
~ 3
Big-S Wing Strake Radial mounted 1 000
(1 080)
(0.6)[Note 2]
2 400 15 50 1.0 ~ 1.5 ~ 6.5 / 0 ~ 0
Big-S Delta Wing Radial mounted 3 000
(3 240)
(2.0)[Note 3]
2 400 15 50 5.0 ~ 5 ~ 6 / 0
  1. can hold 600 units of liquid fuel
  2. can hold 100 units of liquid fuel
  3. can hold 300 units of liquid fuel

Control surfaces

Image Part Radial size Cost
Max. Temp.
Lift Deflection
Surface Part
Av-r8 winglet.png
AV-R8 Winglet Radial mounted 640 0.1 2 400 12 50 0.5 15 95
Standard canard v2.png
Standard Canard Radial mounted 720 0.1 2 400 12 50 0.5 15 100
Advanced canard v2.png
Advanced Canard Radial mounted 800 0.08 2 400 12 50 0.4 10 100
Delta-deluxe winglet.png
Delta-Deluxe Winglet Radial mounted 600 0.078 2 400 12 50 0.65 25 20
Tail fin.png
Tail Fin Radial mounted 600 0.125 2 400 12 50 0.61 25 100
FAT-455 Aeroplane Tail Fin Radial mounted 1 000 0.36 1 200 15 50 2.69 15 37
Big-S Spaceplane Tail Fin Radial mounted 2 500 0.45 2 400 15 50 3.49 25 29
Elevon 1.png Elevon 1 Radial mounted 400 0.05 2 400 15 50 0.25 20 100
Elevon 2.png Elevon 2 Radial mounted 550 0.06 2 400 15 50 0.30 20 100
Elevon 3.png Elevon 3 Radial mounted 650 0.08 2 400 15 50 0.42 20 100
Elevon 4.png Elevon 4 Radial mounted 400 0.04 2 400 15 50 0.18 20 100
Elevon 5.png Elevon 5 Radial mounted 800 0.08 2 400 15 50 0.4 20 100
Big-S Elevon 1 Radial mounted 950 0.15 2 400 15 50 0.77 25 100
Big-S Elevon 2 Radial mounted 1 300 0.23 2 400 15 50 1.16 25 100
FAT-455 Aeroplane Control Surface Radial mounted 800 0.17 1 200 15 50 0.86 15 100
A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S[Note 1] Radial mounted 1000 0.05 1 200
(2 400)
8 50 0.38 70 100
  1. A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S are classified as an "Aero Surface" in the part configuration files and in-game.