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Revision as of 06:44, 5 February 2020

经验值(Experience,XP) 是一种计量单位,贯穿于整个航空航天任务中,用于衡量坎巴拉人(Kerbal) 的成长。经验值系统仅在生涯模式(career)中生效,在沙盒模式(Sandbox)科研模式(Science mode)中,坎巴拉人的能力没有限制,统一为满级。 经验值可以在各种成就中获得(如下所述),用于提升坎巴拉人的 专业等级(specialization)。每一位坎巴拉宇航员(kerbonaut) 可以从事飞行员(Pilot)工程师(Engineer)或者科学家(Scientist)的其中一个职业。等级越高,职业技能越多,乘员(crew)能力越强(直到某个限值)。


Orbiting, planting flags, and escaping from the gravity of planets and moons grants various amounts of experience depending on the planet. Each Kerbal can only gain the experience once per celestial body, so planting multiple flags or repeatedly orbiting a planet do not provide any further experience for the same Kerbal. Additionally, experience from a given celestial body is only granted for the most valuable achievement and is not cumulative, so orbiting the Mun (3 XP) and planting a flag on it (5 XP) will only ever grant a total of 5 XP, not 8 or more (even if done on separate missions). The kerbonaut gains the experience and reaches a new level only upon returning to the Astronaut Complex by recovery or by using the Level Up Crew function of the Mobile Processing Lab. 在轨飞行、插旗(flags)、脱离行星或卫星引力都可以获得各种数量的经验值(取决于行星)。每个坎巴拉人只能从同一个天体上获得一次经验,因此在一个天体上反复插旗和在轨飞行不会使同一个坎巴拉人获得更多经验。此外,在一个给定天体上的执行各种活动,只能获得最高的经验值,而不是各个活动的累加经验值,举个例子,执行了绕Mun在轨飞行(3XP)和插旗(5XP)后,只能获得5XP而不是8XP或更多,即使两个活动处于不同的任务中也是如此。坎巴拉宇航员被回收(recovery)宇航员之家才可以获得经验并升级,或者通过移动处理实验室(Mobile_Processing_Lab_MPL-LG-2)提升等级。

  • XP for an action is generally the base XP for that action multiplied by the celestial body recovery multiplier, with some exceptions. For example, orbiting Minmus yields total XP. The final values are detailed in the table below.
  • 一个动作获得的经验值由这个动作的基本经验乘以天体回收系数(celestial body recovery multiplier)确定(极个别情况除外),例如:绕Minmus在轨飞行获得的经验值为基础经验1.5×回收系数2.5=3.75. 最终数值如下表所示。
  • Note, since 1.2 a single flag planting grants the additional XP to all landed (or splashed down) kerbals within physics range.
  • 注:从1.2版本开始,一个坎巴拉宇航员插旗后,周围物理计算范围内其它着陆(或溅落)的坎巴拉人都会获得额外经验奖励,而不用每个人都插一遍旗。
  • Note, the in-game summary for individuals shows rounded experience numbers, which can be confusing when displayed experience appears to be enough to achieve a level but the level is not granted.
顺序 天体 飞掠
基础值 1 1.5 2 2.3 2.5
中心 Kerbol 4 6 4
1 Moho 7 10.5 16.1 17.5 7
2 Eve 5 7.5 10 11.5 12.5 5
2.1 Gilly 6 9 13.8 15 6
3 Kerbin 2 2 1 0 0 1
3.1 Mun 2 3 4.6 5 1
3.2 Minmus 2.5 3.75 5.75 6.25 2.5
4 Duna 5 7.5 10 11.5 12.5 5
4.1 Ike 5 7.5 11.5 12.5 5
5 Dres 6 9 13.8 15 6
6 Jool 6 9 12 6
6.1 Laythe 8 12 16 18.4 20 8
6.2 Vall 8 12 18.4 20 8
6.3 Tylo 8 12 18.4 20 8
6.4 Bop 8 12 18.4 20 8
6.5 Pol 8 12 18.4 20 8
7 Eeloo 10 15 23 25 10
  • 注:在游戏中,坎巴拉人的经验值显示的是取整后的数值,因此可能出现经验值显示满了却没有升级的现象。


The kerbonaut's specialization and level

As Kerbals gain experience, they gain levels in their specialization. Kerbals start at level 0, and can reach level 5. The level of the kerbonaut represented by number of stars. 坎巴拉人获得经验后可以提升等级,从Lv.0开始到满级Lv.5为止。游戏中显示为星星的数量。

等级 星星数量 升级所需经验 - 0 ☆☆☆☆☆ 0 0
1 ★☆☆☆☆ 2 2
2 ★★☆☆☆ 6 8
3 ★★★☆☆ 8 16
4 ★★★★☆ 16 32
5 ★★★★★ 32 64


  • 最初加入[1]


  1. KSP 0.90 'Beta Than Ever' Grand Discussion Thread!