Linus Kerman

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Linus Kerman
Linus in Department Meeting
Linus in Department Meeting
Occupation Science rep.
Wernher's intern

Linus Kerman is the KSP Science representative and Wernher's intern. On the cover of update 0.25 'Economic Boom' Linus is seen with a mischevious grin on his face with an explosion in the background. Linus may have also appeared in the promo cover of the 'Beta Than Ever' update Linus may also be Wernhers apprentice in the 1.0 trailer (He eats a sandwich), the 'Kerbal Engineering' Steam promo video, and the 'Kerbal Science' promo video. One may believe that he is the classic "nerdy scientist" in many games and media. In The Saga of Emiko Station, Linus works in the Tracking Station and R&D, possibly helping to analyze the data gained and the craft launched in the book and movies.


Linus is Wernher Von Kerman's Intern. Because Wernher himself is too important to be bothered with these boring strategy meetings, He sends his intern in his stead.



  1. Jump up "Kerbal Space Program introducing Administration Building to Career Mode" 2014-9-19