kerbonautはKerbal宇宙飛行士のことである。英語・ロシア語では国籍あるいは教練過程によって宇宙飛行士の呼称が違う。アメリカ系をastronaut、ロシア系をcosmonaut、中国系をtaikonautと呼び、Kerbal Space Centerで教練を受けたKerbal系飛行士はkerbonautと呼ばれることになる。Kerbal Space Program内で唯一操作可能な緑である。船内ではIVAにヘルメット、船外ではEVAスーツにヘルメットをつけている。EVAスーツにはRCS燃料式のジェットパック、ヘルメットにはライトが備わっている。
Astronaut Complexで新しい緑の雇用から能力の確認まで一括して行うことが出来る。オリジナル・スリー以外はランダムな名前で生成されるが、姓は"Kerman"で統一されている。個性もそれぞれランダムに決定されている。
- Pilot(パイロット):SASで機体を安定させる、または指定方向に機首を固定することが出来る。
- Scientist(科学者):収集した実験データ、伝送、ラボでの分析によって得られるScienceを増加させる。
- Engineer(エンジニア):パーツの修理やパラシュートの再装填を行うことが出来る。
Personality Traits
In addition to a random first name, each kerbonaut has random values of two personality attributes – Courage and Stupidity – which are displayed in-game. There's a small chance they may also have the hidden "BadS" (badass) flag. In the game file "persistent.sfs" Courage is a scalar value with the key brave. Stupidity has the key dumb.
There is a bug regarding Courage (but not Stupidity) in version 0.23.5, where courage values in the info screen in both the Tracking Station and Orbital Map are inverted from those displayed in the Astronaut Complex.
Personality traits determine how a kerbonaut behaves in variously lethal flight conditions. These reactions are displayed by facial expressions and gestures typically seen in IVA portraits and range from neutral to happy to inconsolable horror. They have no effect on flight performance or Science results[outdated].
Experiments in バージョン 0.23 using non-badass kerbonauts modified to the four possible combinations of extreme Courage and Stupidity ([1, 1], [1, 0], [0, 0], [0, 1]) revealed that Courage does not control fearful behavior. Both of the Stupid kerbonauts were blissfully ignorant in the face of danger. Meanwhile, the non-Stupid ones both displayed equal fear of accelerating in any rocket built by KSC engineers, and displayed this at exactly the same time despite having opposite levels of Courage from each other. Subsequent tests with 0.75/0.25 combinations showed an uptick in fear in the more Stupid subjects, indicating that the natural outcome of awareness is dread.
The badS flag, however, negates all fear regardless of Courage or Stupidity, pushing the kerbonaut toward a happy state which only the most blatantly impending catastrophe can dim.
いずれのゲームモードでもニューゲーム開始時から所属している宇宙飛行士が3名おり、他のランダム生成飛行士とは異なり、常に同じ名前と能力を持っている。Jebediah Kerman、Bill Kerman、Bob Kermanの3名は「オリジナル・スリー」と呼ばれている。
Kerbal Space Program中に登場する“ベテラン”飛行士はこの3名のみで、IVAスーツ(与圧服)と名簿のアイコンがオレンジ色で差別化されているが、それ以外は他の飛行士と同じである。ゲーム起動読み込みの際に表示されるイラストでは、オレンジ服の宇宙飛行士(おそらくJeb、Bill、Bob)がオレンジ色のラインが入ったヘルメットを被っているが、ゲーム内には登場せずIVAヘルメットは灰色、EVAヘルメットは赤色のラインが入っている。
The term kerbonaut seems to be an invention of KSP fans. The in-game building for hiring crew is named the Astronaut Complex after all. As the developers at Squad are the authors of the Kerbal universe, it makes sense to consider their terms official.
However, fans persist in “adding K to every word” as evidenced by mods like the Kerbonaut Creator, use in KSP fan fiction, forum posts requesting kerbonaut veteran suit colors, etc. If notoriety in another huge indie game is any barometer, there are about 12x more views of a Kerbonaut Minecraft skin than a Kerbal astronaut Minecraft skin on the same site.
In real-life, “astronaut” is not a universal term; it principally refers to NASA and sometimes European Space Agency explorers. The term “cosmonaut” (Russian: космонавт) has been used since Soviet times and could make a historical case for being the first choice. Eastern European and former Soviet bloc countries have invented terms based on the Russian, while other nations have used other terms based on ”astronaut”. In modern times, Chinese sources use either term depending on the audience they're speaking to, though ”háng tiān yuán” represents their native term for space travellers other than China's. Meanwhile, western media invented the term ”taikonaut” for China's space travellers.
If there is a universal trend, it seems that terms for "people who go to space" get tied in with national identities. However, KSC and characters like Wernher von Kerman and Gene Kerman more closely resemble the US space program of the 1960s than any other space program. In the end, it's hard to say what should be said.