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GDLV3 is a rocket used to refuel spacecraft. It's payload only has a fuel tank and a tiny docking port. The GDLV3 is an average cargo ship and can hold small spacecraft if you remove the payload and replace it. The GDLV3 does not have any payload control and may need players to add RCS, reaction wheels, and a probe core so players can control it to dock up and fuel orbiting craft for trips to other celestial bodies like the Mun, Minmus or most bodies in the kerbol system except for possibly Eeloo or Jool.

GDLV3 on the launchpad (1.1)


The Generally Designed Launch Vehicle 3 is an adaptable design that the customer can tailor to their needs, in fact the GDLV3 is in such wide use no one can say they actually own it.


Craft in orbit.