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[[File:Kerbin map 800.gif|thumbnail|left|由 ISA MapSat 插件绘制的 Kerbin 地形高度图]]
[[File:Kerbin map 800.gif|thumbnail|left|由 ISA MapSat 插件绘制的 Kerbin 地形高度图]]
Kerbin 行星上的液态水表面和坚固的地表面积大致相等,还有极地冰盖和分散的沙漠。行星上耸立着高度超过4000米的山脉,最高山峰海拔4044米。
Kerbin 行星上的液态水表面和坚固的地表面积大致相等,还有极地冰盖和分散的沙漠。行星上耸立着高度超过4000米的山脉,最高山峰海拔4044米。
Unlike other bodies in it's system Kerbin has fewer visible craters.  This could be attributed to many causes.  The environment would cause erosion of many geological features. Also due to its atmosphere, and large moon, fewer meteorites would make it to it's surface.  However, some geological formations would lead one to believe Kerbin has been subjected to violent collisions in the past. It has two features that appear to be impact craters, separated coincidentally by nearly 180 degrees. The least eroded, and presumably youngest, of the two (both are in excess of 100 km diameter) is located along the coastline. The uplift is easily visible as a series of islands and it has a central peak poking out of the water. The other, and older of the two, is located near the prime meridian in the northern hemisphere. It is more easily missed, but its uplift rims are visible and it has a central rebound peak.
Kerbin 西半球明显的陨石坑表明 Kerbin 曾经受到小行星或彗星的撞击。
Kerbin 西半球明显的陨石坑表明 Kerbin 曾经受到小行星或彗星的撞击。

Revision as of 04:50, 21 June 2013

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Kerbin 是 Kerbal 小绿人的家园,也是 Kerbal 太空计划里的主要行星之一,是航天中心的所在地,更是 KSP 的焦点所在。它跟地球很相似,只不过它拥有两颗卫星而非一颗,Mün Minmus

Kerbin 位于环绕 Kerbol 运行的行星轨道的第三条,也是第三大的行星(仅次于 JoolEve)和第四大的天体(次于 Jool 的卫星 Tylo ,Tylo 比 Kerbin 要稍微大一点)。

进入环绕 Kerbin 飞行的稳定轨道对每个玩家的航天事业来说无疑是重要的第一个里程碑。要从 Kerbin 表面飞向太空进入轨道,考虑燃料消耗的最优化[1] ,你至少需要大约4500 m/s delta-V[2]。在所有拥有固态表面的天体中,Kerbin 仅次于 Eve,排名第二。对于大多数行星际飞行任务而言,这一数值大约占总任务飞行 delta-V 的一半还要多。这一点也适用于地球的行星际太空飞行任务,因此我们要记住:


罗伯特·安森·海因莱因, 引自 A Step Farther Out 194 页,作者 Jerry Pournelle


由 ISA MapSat 插件绘制的 Kerbin 地形高度图

Kerbin 行星上的液态水表面和坚固的地表面积大致相等,还有极地冰盖和分散的沙漠。行星上耸立着高度超过4000米的山脉,最高山峰海拔4044米。


Unlike other bodies in it's system Kerbin has fewer visible craters. This could be attributed to many causes. The environment would cause erosion of many geological features. Also due to its atmosphere, and large moon, fewer meteorites would make it to it's surface. However, some geological formations would lead one to believe Kerbin has been subjected to violent collisions in the past. It has two features that appear to be impact craters, separated coincidentally by nearly 180 degrees. The least eroded, and presumably youngest, of the two (both are in excess of 100 km diameter) is located along the coastline. The uplift is easily visible as a series of islands and it has a central peak poking out of the water. The other, and older of the two, is located near the prime meridian in the northern hemisphere. It is more easily missed, but its uplift rims are visible and it has a central rebound peak.

Kerbin 西半球明显的陨石坑表明 Kerbin 曾经受到小行星或彗星的撞击。


Kerbin 的大气层含有氧气且厚度约为69,078米。大气密度随高度的下降而成倍增长。

大体上 Kerbin 的大气压强可以用下面的公式计算:

Kerbin 的大气稠密程度使其非常适合大气制动和使用降落伞降落,这么做可以省下很多燃料。需要注意的是火箭残骸在海拔10公里以上是不受空气阻力影响的,所以火箭残骸即使进入稠密大气层也可能会保持稳定轨道(0.19)。在0.19版本中已实现再入热现象,但仅仅是视觉效果并不会对飞行器造成损害。

下表为 Kerbin 不同海拔高度下的最终速度。同时下表也是火箭燃料最优配置下不同高度下的速度。

高度 (米) 速度 (米/秒)
0 97.3
1000 110
3000 130
5000 160
8000 215
10000 260
15000 425
32000 2250



轨道 轨道高度 轨道速度 ΔV消耗
低 Kerbin 轨道 (LKO) 70 km 2,426.11 m/s ~4500-4700 m/s
中 Kerbin 轨道 (MKO) 1 585.18 km 1 271.284 m/s
Kerbin 同步轨道 (KEO) 2 868.75 km 1 009.019 m/s ~6600 m/s


以下是飞船从 LKO (Low Kerbin Orbit) (约70 km) 出发前往星系内各个主要天体所需消耗的 ΔV (Delta-V) 列表。

从 Kerbin 80公里轨道出发前往各天体所需消耗的 ΔV (Delta-V)
天体 Delta-V
Mün (Kerbin 卫星) ~860 m/s
Minmus (Kerbin 卫星) ~930 m/s
Eve ~1033 m/s
Duna ~1060 m/s
Moho ~1676 m/s
Jool ~1915 m/s
Eeloo ~2100 m/s
KEO (Kerbin 同步轨道) (对照) ~1120 m/s


时间加速 最低海拔
5× 70 000 米 (高于大气上限)
10× 70 000 米 (高于大气上限)
50× 70 000 米 (高于大气上限)
100× 120 000
1 000× 240 000
10 000× 480 000
100 000× 600 000


  • 修正了发射台附近油罐上的梯子。
  • 新的发射台模型 (取消了发射塔)。
  • 新的跑道模型,增加了助降灯及倾斜的跑道边缘。
  • 地形重整:对整个星球进行了重做。沙漠,不同深浅的草地,岛屿,海洋的颜色加深,积雪覆盖的山脉。使Kerbin地理环境更真实。
  • 增加了数个彩蛋
  • 在KSC附近的岛屿上增加了一个简易机场(不作为发射点)
  • 改进大气视觉效果。
  • 加入了更高更富变化的地形,在此之前一些山峰高度达到600米,星球的最高点只有900米。
  • 地形重整,海洋材质液体化。
  • 大气层高度由34,500米变为69,000米。
  • 最初加入
  1. A fuel-optimal ascent is one which (a) minimizes velocity losses to gravity and atmospheric drag and (b) launches eastward (toward the 90 degree heading) to gain 174.5 m/s of orbital velocity for free, thanks to Kerbin's rotation.
  2. See this challenge on the forum and a popular Kerbin delta-V chart