FL-R400 RCS Fuel Tank

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FL-R400 RCS Fuel Tank
Part image
Monopropellant tank by
Stratus Corporation

Radial size Medium
Cost (total) 960.00 Funds
(dry) 480.00 Funds
Mass (total) 1.85 t
(dry) 0.25 t
Drag 0.2
Max. Temp. 2000 K
Impact Tolerance 12 m/s
Research Advanced fuel systems.png Adv. Fuel Systems
Unlock cost 5 900 Funds
Since version 1.4.1
Part configuration Size1p5_Monoprop.cfg
Volume None
Monopropellant 400 Units of fuel

Product description

A larger-scaled version of the standard RCS tank.

Stratus Corporation


As of version 1.4.1 this tank has two textures that can be switched in the editor.

Yellow-White variant
White variant
The different variants of the tank


  • Renamed from FL-R5 RCS Fuel Tank to FL-R400 RCS Fuel Tank
  • Initial Release