TS-50 Stack Separator

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TS-50 Stack Separator
Part image
Separator by
O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises

Radial size Huge
Cost (total) 650.00 Funds
Mass (total) 0.85 t
Drag 0.3-0.2
Max. Temp. 2000 K
Impact Tolerance 6 m/s
Research High-performance fuel systems.png High-Performance Fuel Systems
Unlock cost 3 900 Funds
Since version 1.4.1
Part configuration Separator_4.cfg
Ejection momentum 250 Ns
Testing Environments
On the surface Yes
In the ocean Yes
On the launchpad Yes
In the atmosphere Yes
Sub-orbital Yes
In an orbit Yes
On an escape Yes
Docked No
Test by staging Yes
Manually testable No

The 5 meter size for the stack separator, which detaches parts on both sides from itself.

Product description

Kaboom! But in a controlled, Kerbal way

O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises


  • Decreased cost from 975 to 650
  • Initial Release