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Date | Name | Thumbnail | Size | Description | Versions |
01:03, 10 October 2014 | KSP vab.jpg (file) | 106 KB | cropped | 2 | |
01:03, 10 October 2014 | KSP newGame.jpg (file) | 66 KB | cropped | 2 | |
01:02, 10 October 2014 | KSP startGame.jpg (file) | 84 KB | cropped | 2 | |
01:02, 10 October 2014 | KSP start.jpg (file) | 180 KB | cropped | 2 | |
00:57, 10 October 2014 | KSP loading.jpg (file) | 147 KB | cropped | 2 | |
16:47, 2 October 2014 | AGU passive bug.png (file) | 86 KB | The bug that happens when someone connects to a Advanced Grabbing Unit which is not on the active craft. This constructions stood on the Launch Pad seconds before. | 1 | |
00:23, 30 August 2014 | Admin facility back.png (file) | 90 KB | {{Future article|t=file|v=0.25}} The back from the first image of the Administration Facility taken from [ Look Who’s Moved into the KSC!] at the official dev blog. | 1 | |
00:22, 30 August 2014 | Admin facility front.png (file) | 108 KB | {{Future article|t=file|v=0.25}} The front from the first image of the Administration Facility taken from [ Look Who’s Moved into the KSC!] at the official dev blog. | 1 | |
00:10, 30 August 2014 | Admin fac.jpg (file) | 73 KB | {{Future article|t=file|v=0.25}} A first image of the Administration Facility taken from [ Look Who’s Moved into the KSC!] at the official dev blog. | 1 | |
18:57, 25 August 2014 | Bob Kerman.png (file) | 4 KB | Bob Kerman's portait, converted from File:Bob Kerman.gif because the wiki is unable to generate thumbnails for the gif except the already existing. | 1 | |
12:09, 15 August 2014 | Xlsolararray.png (file) | 105 KB | removed background | 2 | |
14:50, 13 August 2014 | RV-105 RCS Thruster Block Delta V test.png (file) | 26 KB | merged version of both images | 3 | |
13:54, 13 August 2014 | FL-T16 Fuel Tank.png (file) | 22 KB | special version; thumbnail uploaded later replaced by hi res image | 2 | |
11:27, 11 August 2014 | Root directory contents.png (file) | 56 KB | The contents of the root directory with Nautilus on Fedora 20. | 1 | |
14:34, 9 August 2014 | Part recovery.png (file) | 54 KB | an actual screenshot | 2 | |
14:00, 9 August 2014 | New eva.jpg (file) | 68 KB | The new EVA suit shown on [ Twitter] by [ @KerbalSpaceP]. Category:Official artwork | 1 | |
15:24, 7 August 2014 | Career statistics.png (file) | 11 KB | actual screenshot | 2 | |
15:05, 7 August 2014 | MC Front crop.png (file) | 171 KB | Cropped version of File:MC Front.png with a more prominent Mission Control building. | 1 | |
14:37, 7 August 2014 | Contract window.png (file) | 272 KB | directly from a screenshot | 2 | |
14:55, 19 July 2014 | SeansCannery.png (file) | 35 KB | The logo of Sean's Cannery. Category:Manufacturer logos | 1 | |
14:35, 19 July 2014 | ZaltonicElectronics.png (file) | 7 KB | The logo of Zaltonic Electronics. Category:Manufacturer logos | 1 | |
14:35, 19 July 2014 | WinterOwl.png (file) | 21 KB | The logo of WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium. Category:Manufacturer logos | 1 | |
14:34, 19 July 2014 | Vac-Co.png (file) | 14 KB | The logo of Vac-Co Advanced Suction Systems. Category:Manufacturer logos | 1 | |
14:33, 19 July 2014 | StrutCo.png (file) | 6 KB | The logo of StrutCo. Category:Manufacturer logos | 1 | |
14:32, 19 July 2014 | SteadlerEngineeringCorps.png (file) | 17 KB | The logo of STEADLER Engineering Corps. Category:Manufacturer logos | 1 | |
14:31, 19 July 2014 | Rokea.png (file) | 18 KB | The logo of ROKEA Inc. Category:Manufacturer logos | 1 | |
14:31, 19 July 2014 | Rockomax.png (file) | 21 KB | The logo of Rockomax Conglomerate. Category:Manufacturer logos | 1 | |
14:30, 19 July 2014 | ReactionSystemsLtd.png (file) | 20 KB | The logo of Reaction Systems Ltd. Category:Manufacturer logos | 1 | |
14:30, 19 July 2014 | R&D logo.png (file) | 16 KB | Logo of the space program's own '''Research & Development Department'''. Not a manufacturer logo. | 1 | |
14:28, 19 July 2014 | PeriapsisCo.png (file) | 14 KB | The logo of Periapsis Rocket Supplies Co. Category:Manufacturer logos | 1 | |
14:26, 19 July 2014 | OMBDemolition.png (file) | 11 KB | The logo of O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises. Category:Manufacturer logos | 1 | |
14:26, 19 July 2014 | MovingPartsExpertsGroup.png (file) | 16 KB | The logo of Moving Parts Experts Group. Category:Manufacturer logos | 1 | |
14:25, 19 July 2014 | MaxoConstructionToys.png (file) | 7 KB | The logo of Maxo Construction Toys. Category:Manufacturer logos | 1 | |
14:24, 19 July 2014 | Kerlington.png (file) | 21 KB | The logo of Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc. Category:Manufacturer logos | 1 | |
14:23, 19 July 2014 | Kerbodyne.png (file) | 5 KB | The logo of Category:Kerbodyne. Category:Manufacturer logos | 1 | |
14:23, 19 July 2014 | KerbinWorldFirstRecordKeepingSociety.png (file) | 22 KB | Logo of the '''Kerbin World-Firsts Record-Keeping Society''' which doesn't provide any parts and is thus not a manufacturer; | 1 | |
14:21, 19 July 2014 | KerbalMotion.png (file) | 13 KB | The logo of Kerbal Motion LLC. Category:Manufacturer logos | 1 | |
14:20, 19 July 2014 | JebsJunkyard.png (file) | 26 KB | The logo of Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spaceship Parts Co. Category:Manufacturer logos | 1 | |
14:19, 19 July 2014 | IonicSymphonicProtonicElectronics.png (file) | 24 KB | The logo of Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics Category:Manufacturer logos | 1 | |
01:42, 15 July 2014 | Rescue contract.png (file) | 56 KB | A stranded kerbonaut in orbit around Kerbin. A rescue craft is on it's way. The kerbonaut was placed there by the contract and not Scott Manley. Cropped from [ Kerbal Space Program - Early Access Look ... | 1 | |
14:34, 13 July 2014 | Unknown technology tree modifications.svg (file) | 1 KB | Icon to show that the modifications to the technology tree are not known | 1 | |
14:28, 13 July 2014 | Modified technology tree.svg (file) | 1 KB | hopefully better symbolism | 2 | |
22:01, 12 July 2014 | New technology tree node icon.svg (file) | 976 bytes | Icon for mods which add new technology tree nodes, but don't modify the order of the existing | 1 | |
18:24, 8 July 2014 | Probestack.png (file) | 32 KB | small size increase by using a wrongly uploaded image to Image needed.png. | 2 | |
18:02, 1 July 2014 | FLOOYD Dynamics Research Labs.png (file) | 14 KB | The logo of Category:FLOOYD Dynamics Research Labs shown in The First Six 0.24 Company Logos Revealed!. The logo was originally submitted by ''Ruben F.'' Category:Manufacturer logos | 1 | |
18:00, 1 July 2014 | Integrated Integrals.png (file) | 12 KB | The logo of Category:Integrated Integrals shown in The First Six 0.24 Company Logos Revealed!. The logo was originally submitted by ''I_killed_Jeb''. Category:Manufacturer logos | 1 | |
17:53, 1 July 2014 | Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium.png (file) | 58 KB | The logo of Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium shown in The First Six 0.24 Company Logos Revealed!. | 1 | |
17:51, 1 July 2014 | Experimental Engineering Group.png (file) | 12 KB | The logo of Experimental Engineering Group shown The First Six 0.24 Company Logos Revealed!. | 1 | |
17:49, 1 July 2014 | C7 Aerospace Division.png (file) | 14 KB | The logo of C7 Aerospace Division shown The First Six 0.24 Company Logos Revealed!. | 1 | |
17:47, 1 July 2014 | Goliath National Products.png (file) | 29 KB | The logo of Category:Goliath National Products shown The First Six 0.24 Company Logos Revealed!. | 1 |
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