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Game ModeCareermodeicon.png
Name Career
Contracts available
Strategies available
Parts unlocked with
Science Points
Parts paid with Funds
Reputation to Kerbals
Since version 0.22

生涯模式是与沙盒模式对应的一种游戏模式,在版本 0.22被添加到游戏,目前尚在进一步开发之中。生涯模式的特点是引入了科研系统.在 版本0.24 生涯模式加入了重要更新,引入了合同,经费与声誉系统,原先的生涯模式改名为科研模式.


生涯模式中开放了 研发中心 . 玩家刚开始只能使用非常有限的几种起始部件,需要规划并完成一系列任务,进行科学实验积累科研点,以在研发中心解锁高级火箭部件。 版本0.24对每个零件添加了造价这一参数, 客户会提供合同任务,完成合同任务可以获得经费,从而造更多更大的火箭!在任务控制中心可以浏览并接收合同任务,以及查看你所完成的合同记录。 此外,另一种评判玩家运营的太空计划是否成功的标准是声望值.[1] 此外,玩家可以在管理大厦选择关系到财政(Funds),科研(⚛),声望(★收入的各项太空计划经营发展战略。 An important feature of this game mode is the kerbonauts' specialization and experience system, based on XPs gained by reaching achievements. These progresses can be observed most comfortably in the Astronaut Complex.

The buildings of the KSC starts fairly undeveloped, and have to be upgraded for funds (Funds) to be useful for further development.

In this game mode stock craft are available when playing on Easy difficulty level or by making them available using custom settings.


The easiest first mission is simply “launching” the Command Pod Mk1. This is similar to the first Mercury and Vostok missions.

The first rockets could go anywhere in the vicinity of Kerbin, especially with techniques like explosive decoupling. However, most early rockets will barely, if even, exit the atmosphere. Even so, landing in a new biome means a fresh opportunity for science activities.

It's easy to unlock the first four nodes of the tech tree by performing science activities around the Kerbal Space Center, even with only Start node parts. The KSC contains many special surface-only biomes. Regular biomes outside these special biome locations include opportunities for science while the vessel is flying or in space. At first only Crew Reports can be done without upgrading any building. Crew Reports only yield science points the first time performed in a situation and biome. So, visiting the same biome multiple times without having new science modules on board isn't very productive.


To accelerate the amount of science returned, it's wise to unlock nodes offering new science modules. With these it is possible to gain even more science to compensate for the fact that technology tree nodes become increasingly expensive. Upgrading the Astronaut Complex and Research and Development facility allow taking EVA Reports and Surface Samples.


Later nodes will be difficult to unlock without visiting other celestial bodies. Kerbin's moons Mun and Minmus are primary targets for the middle game as they can be reached quickly and easily. Both also feature biomes, greatly increasing the amount of science that can be collected.

It will be important to unlock various batteries and solar power generators for transmitting data. Missions will generally be larger and demand greater mastery of the maneuver node system in Map view.


With good strategy and diligent "mining" to exhaust biome+situation combinations, it's possible to finish the tech tree with just Kerbin and its moons; but it's often faster and more exciting to figure out how to intercept with other planets. Eve and Duna are certainly reachable with conventional rockets. For manned exploration of distant planets, and the high multipliers for doing any Science on them, acquiring the LV-N Atomic Rocket Motor will be very helpful.



  1. 欲详细了解,可参考Miguel (Maxmaps) 制作的视频“First Contract Playthrough