Small Delta Wing

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Small Delta Wing
Part image
Wing by
C7 Aerospace Division
Cost (total) 200.00 Funds
Mass (total) 0.050 t
Drag 0.02
Max. Temp. 2400 K
Impact Tolerance 15 m/s
Research Advanced aerodynamics.png Advanced Aerodynamics
Unlock cost 3 200 Funds
Since version 0.25
Part configuration delta_small.cfg
Lift generated 0.5
drag-coeff 0.1

The Small Delta Wing is a wing part which generates lift in an atmosphere and is meant to be used in aircraft and spaceplanes. It was included in the Spaceplane Plus mod which was integrated into KSP 0.25.

It is 1/4 the size of the larger Delta Wing and it is a Wing Connector Type C cut diagonally in half.

Product description

This small delta wing has breezed through extensive stress tests and design revisions, mostly because it wasn't involved in any of those. In any case, it should work as a comparatively reliable lifting surface.

C7 Aerospace Division


  • Initial release