Rockomax Brand Adapter 02

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Rockomax Brand Adapter 02
Part image
Adapter by
Rockomax Conglomerate

Radial size Large, Small
Cost (total) 450.00 Funds
Mass (total) 0.080 t
Drag 0.3-0.2
Max. Temp. 2000 K
Impact Tolerance 6 m/s
Research Advanced construction.png Advanced Construction
Unlock cost 3 000 Funds
Since version 0.18
Part configuration largeAdapterShort.cfg
Packed volume None

The Rockomax Brand Adapter 02 is a non-functional part that serves to create a seamless connection between the size 1 (1.25 m wide) stock parts and the size 2 (2.5m wide) stock parts. It is the shorter version of the Rockomax Brand Adapter, being 20% lighter but having much higher drag in atmosphere. It is fuel crossfeed capable.

It is the larger equivalent of the FL-A5 Adapter, as both are very flat and have similar ridges along the slope of their surfaces.

Being a near-flat version of the Rockomax Brand Adapter, it offers virtually no decrease in drag from not applying any parts to a 2.5m part's nodes, but it does increase structural inter-part integrity.

Beyond its structural use, it can be turned into a cheap durability extension or heatshield, and large, albeit improvised piece of landing gear.

Product description

A shorter adapter from Rockomax, formed under similar circumstances to its big brother. Coated with spaceproof paint for maximum integrity.

Rockomax Conglomerate


As of version 1.6 this adapter has two textures that can be switched in the editor.

Gray variant
Orange variant
The different variants of the adapter


  • New model and texture
  • Added 2 variants
  • Description expanded
  • Initial release