M-1x1 Structural Panel

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M-1x1 Structural Panel
Part image
Structural element by
Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium

Radial size Tiny, Radial mounted
Cost (total) 30.00 Funds
Mass (total) 0.075 t
Drag 0.2
Max. Temp. 2000 K
Impact Tolerance 80 m/s
Research Composites.png Composites
Unlock cost 7 200 Funds
Since version 0.19
Part configuration structuralPanel1x1.cfg
Packed volume 80 l

The M-1x1 Structural Panel is a panel used for construction and has a high impact tolerance and low mass; Thus, it is a useful part when constructing craft. It is a fourth the size of the M-2x2 Structural Panel. The M-1x1 Structural Panel can be used as a rover body or as a structural element.

Because of the high impact tolerance, the part has been popularised as armor for weaponized craft such as rovers and spaceplanes.

Product description

A sturdy metal plate, perfect for constructing all sorts of things.

Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium


  • Initial release