Mk2 Cargo Bay CRG-08

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Mk2 Cargo Bay CRG-08
Part image
Cargo bay by
C7 Aerospace Division

Radial size Mk2
Cost (total) 500.00 Funds
Mass (total) 0.500 t
Drag 0.3-0.2
Max. Temp. 2500 K
Impact Tolerance 50 m/s
Research High altitude flight.png High Altitude Flight
Unlock cost 17 200 Funds
Since version 0.25
Part configuration BayL.cfg
Lift generated 0.7
Packed volume None

The Mk2 Cargo Bay CRG-08 is a Mk2 cargo bay, with twice the length of the Mk2 Cargo Bay CRG-04.

It is usually used in spaceplanes to transport small space probes, small rockets, etc. It is as long as an FL-T800 Fuel Tank, and is deep enough to hold 1.25m parts. It is open on both ends; multiple cargo bays can be stacked to hold longer payloads.

The Cargo Bay can be opened via the right-click PAW menu. If Advanced Tweakables are enabled, the bay's "Deploy Limit" can be adjusted; a smaller Deploy Limit will result in the bay doors opening only partially. The Cargo Bay has two attachment nodes on its interior, one on each end of the bay.

Product description

The longer version of the shorter cargo bay. Some ask us just how long is it? It's exactly double the length of the other one.

C7 Aerospace Division


  • The Mk2 Cargo Bay CRG-08 was included in the Spaceplane Plus mod, which was integrated into KSP version 0.25.


  • Moved from Utility to Payload
  • Initial release