AV-T1 Winglet

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AV-T1 Winglet
Part image
Winglet by
Found lying by the side of the road
Cost (total) 500.00 Funds
Mass (total) 0.037 t
Drag 0.02
Max. Temp. 2400 K
Impact Tolerance 12 m/s
Research Stability.png Stability
Unlock cost 1 500 Funds
Since version 0.7.3
Part configuration wingletAV-T1.cfg
Lift generated 0.3
drag-coeff 0.5
Lift generated 0.37

The AV-T1 Winglet is a module that adds drag to help stabilize a rocket during flight.


Placing too many winglets may end up producing too much drag, adding stress to your rocket and making it more difficult to control.


Nothing is really known about this thing. Use it at your own risk.

Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc.


  • In the game, the part has no maufacturer, because the line for the manufacturer is commented out in the part.cfg.


  • Texture changed to more of a grey color
  • Initial Release