SENTINEL Infrared Telescope

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SENTINEL Infrared Telescope
Part image
Telescope by
Experimental Engineering Group

Radial size Small
Cost (total) 4 500.00 Funds
Mass (total) 0.100 t
Drag 0.2
Max. Temp. 2000 K
Impact Tolerance 7 m/s
Research ScanningTech.png Scanning Tech
Unlock cost 9 000 Funds
Since version 1.3
Part configuration CamSat.cfg
Experiment Infrared Telescope
Collectable Yes
Rerunnable Yes
Resettable No
Electricity required None
Packed volume None

The SENTINEL Infrared Telescope is a telescope originally from the official SQUAD mod Asteroid Day. It was merged into stock KSP in version 1.3.

The SENTINEL can be used in 2 ways:

  • To gather observational data near a celestial body: SENTINEL must be in a high orbit. IE: If used aroudn Kerbin, its orbit must be 250k or higher.
  • To Track Objects (Asteroids) near a celestial body: it must be in a solar orbit (orbiting around the Sun), outside of the sphere of influence of any other body. When activated, it will scan for and display asteroids that are in the next-widest planetary orbit. For example, to scan for asteroids around the orbit of Kerbin, the SENTINEL must be placed in a solar orbit outside of the sphere of influence of Kerbin and at a lower semi-major axis (closer to the Sun) than Kerbin. The inclination, eccentricity, and longitude of ascending node also need to be close to matching the target planet.

Product description

The Sentinel Space Telescope uses infrared light to detect celestial bodies, such as asteroids, that may pose a risk to Kerbin.

Experimental Engineering Group


  • Initial Release


  • The text "B-612" can be seen on the side of the telescope. This is a reference to the B612 Foundation, a non profit foundation dedicated to discovering Near Earth Asteroids and defending Earth from them.
  • The name SENTINEL is also a reference to the real life Sentinel Space Telescope, which the B612 Foundation proposed to put in Solar orbit near Venus to find asteroids that might threaten the Earth.