Thermal Control System (large)

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Thermal Control System (large)
Part image
Radiator by
Probodobodyne Inc

Radial size Radial mounted
Cost (total) 9 000.00 Funds
Mass (total) 1.000 t
Drag 0.2
Max. Temp. 2500 K
Impact Tolerance 12 m/s
Research High-power electrics.png High-Power Electrics
Unlock cost 45 000 Funds
Since version 1.0.3
Part configuration foldingRadLarge.cfg
Electricity required 0.5 ⚡/s
Dissipated heat 1000 kW [1]
Retractable Yes

  1. Jump up This radiator cools all the parts on the craft.

The large Thermal Control System is a deployable radiator used to dissipate waste heat into space (and atmosphere), pumping it out of hot parts anywhere on the craft, consuming an amount of electric charge (30 per minute)..

Part heat may be accumulated from external sources (e.g. re-entry or sunlight from Kerbol) or be generated by reaction engines or the cores of resource harvester drills or converters, while they are active. Radiators make themselves hotter to perform efficiently, but self-limit to avoid heating to destruction.

This radiator only functions while deployed and will be broken off by 2.5 kPa of dynamic pressure (i.e. moving too fast through a fairly thick atmosphere). It can not be used as a structural element, to attach other parts to, unlike the fixed panel radiators.

By far the most capable radiator part, it is suited to large stations or ships, perhaps if using many LV-N "Nerv" Atomic Rocket Motors for long burns, or if venturing close to Sun.

Product description

A deployable thermal control system consisting of multiple liquid cooled radiator panels.

Probodobodyne Inc.


Core Cooling

The limiting factor for cooling the cores of drills and converters is the "Core Heat xFer" (transfer) limit of the radiator: 1000kW.

This is substantially lower than what the part can actually dissipate, under most circumstances, with a "Max Cooling" figure of: 85077kW.

To maintain an active drill or converter core at optimal thermal efficiency, there must be enough radiators with unused Core Heat Transfer capacity to fulfil the "Required Cooling" stat, as listed below:

Image Part Required Cooling (kW) Max Cooling(kW)
'Drill-O-Matic Junior' Mining Excavator.png
'Drill-O-Matic Junior' Mining Excavator 50 50
'Drill-O-Matic' Mining Excavator 100 100
Convert-O-Tron 125.png
Convert-O-Tron 125 100 50*
ISRU Converter.png
Convert-O-Tron 250 200 500

(*) Note: the Convert-O-Tron 125 can not be maintained at optimal thermal efficiency because its max cooling cap is below its required cooling stat.


  • Moved from Utility to Thermal
  • Initial release