J-90 "Goliath" Turbofan Engine

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J-90 "Goliath" Turbofan Engine
Part image
Jet engine by
C7 Aerospace Division

Radial size Radial mounted
Cost (total) 2 600.00 Funds
(dry) 2 600.00 Funds
Mass (total) 4.517 t
(dry) 4.517 t
Drag 0.2
Max. Temp. 2000 K
Impact Tolerance 7 m/s
Research HeavyAerodynamics.png Heavy Aerodynamics
Unlock cost 15 000 Funds
Since version 1.0.5
Part configuration jetEngineBig.cfg
Intake speed 30 m/s
Intake area 3 m2
Maximum thrust 360.00 kN
Isp (max) 12600 s
Fuel consumption 0.58 Units of fuel/s
Intake air consumption 132.27 Air unit/s
Thrust vectoring No
Electricity generated 16 ⚡/s
Testing Environments
On the surface Yes
In the ocean Yes
On the launchpad Yes
In the atmosphere Yes
Sub-orbital No
In an orbit No
On an escape No
Docked No
Test by staging Yes
Manually testable Yes
Intake air 3 Air unit

The J-90 "Goliath" Turbofan Engine is a large air-breathing engine which uses liquid fuel and intake air, added with version 1.0.5 of Kerbal Space Program. This engine is the fourth air-breathing engine which can be unlocked in the tech tree, after the J-404 "Panther" Afterburning Turbofan, although in another branch of the tree. It is the only jet engine with large radial size, and built in air intake. This airliner engine pretty much can be considered the advanced big brother of the J-33 "Wheesley" Turbofan Engine, having practically identical performance curves, thrust reverse and even higher fuel efficiency.

Performance and Usage

Unlike many of the other jet engines (and all of the rockets), this engine is capable of reversing its thrust, which makes it useful for rapid deceleration during landing and for backing into hangars. Since aircraft are usually built with more than one of this engine, it can also be handy for making sharp turns on the ground, since one engine can be put into reverse while the other continues pushing forwards. However, reversing on one side should be avoided in flight, as severe changes in lift on certain areas of the airframe will occur, possibly leaving the flight unrecoverable. Therfore thrust reverse should be assigned to an action group on multi-engine designs to ensure symmetric thrust / brakin force. The only other engine capable of this feat is its little brother, the 'Wheesley'.

As with all jet engines, its thrust decreases significantly with altitude. Its maximum stationary thrust is rated at 360 kN at sea level. At about 8,000 m it generates just 132 kN, and at about 15,000 m it generates no more than 37 kN, ceasing to work entirely at about 20,900 m, which is somewhat below the 'Wheesley'. Note that the behavior between these points (as shown in the part stats) is slightly non-linear.

Thrust output also varies with speed, although far less than on the high-speed engines. Contrary to theese, its thrust does not increase with speed, similar to the other two low-speed engines. Up to Mach 0.5 the thrust drops to about 80%, recovering to 95% from Mach 1.3 to 1.7. Going faster, the thrust drops considerably quick, limiting usage to about Mach 2.1.

The Isp stays constant over the full range of application, which is a big change compared to KSP in pre-1.0 versions. It is rated at 12,600 s, making it the most fuel-efficient engine. As the engine is much bigger compared to the 'Wheesley' and as such generates considerably more drag at higher speeds, the surplus in Isp] likely is lost beyond mach ~1.3, dependent on plane design.

Overall, it works best between 8,000 and 15,000 m altitude on a larger (MK3 ..) cargo plane. Flying lower, the high air resistance requires more thrust which lowers the fuel efficiency, while in higher areas the engine's thrust output is simply too low for reasonable performance in flight. Placing it on a small plane, the size and weight of the engine likely eats up the nominal advantage over the 'Wheesley'

Note that currently, the only planets which this engine will work on are Kerbin and Jool's moon Laythe.

Visualization of the thrust multiplier curve for velocity
Visualization of the thrust multiplier curve for atmospheric pressure

Product description

The largest and highest thrust jet engine ever built. This engine works best at low cruising speeds and altitudes.

C7 Aerospace Division


  • The J-90 is the only jet engine shown with moving fan/turbocompressor.
  • Although this engine can run at Mach 2 with no problems, real-life turbofans can not go past Mach 0.89 usually due to the fact that this puts excessive stress on the mechanical components of the engine and would lead to inevitable engine disintegration. Low-bypass turbofans can go past Mach 1.0 but they quickly lose efficiency as the airspeed increases.
  • It is based on the Rolls-Royce Trent 800 and the GE90 high bypass turbofan engines.


  • Initial release

The table of the jet engines' thrust multiplier curves
Part Velocity curve(s) Atmosphere curve(s)

J-20 "Juno"

20.0 kN

J-20 Juno Basic Jet Engine velocity curve-temp.png
J-20 Juno Basic Jet Engine atmosphere curve-temp.png

J-33 "Wheesley"

120.0 kN

J-33 Wheesley Turbofan Engine velocity curve-temp.png
J-33 Wheesley Turbofan Engine atmosphere curve-temp.png

J-404 "Panther"

Dry Mode:
85.0 kN
Wet Mode:
130.0 kN

J-404 Panther Afterburning Turbofan velocity curves-temp.png
J-404 Panther Afterburning Turbofan atmosphere curves-temp.png

J-X4 "Whiplash"

130.0 kN

J-X4 Whiplash Turbo Ramjet Engine velocity curve-temp.png
J-X4 Whiplash Turbo Ramjet Engine atmosphere curve-temp.png
J-90 Goliath Turbofan Engine.png

J-90 "Goliath"

360.0 kN

J-90 Goliath Turbofan Engine velocity curve-temp.png
J-90 Goliath Turbofan Engine atmosphere curve-temp.png
Rapier Engine 01.png

CR-7 R.A.P.I.E.R.

105.0 kN

CR-7 R.A.P.I.E.R. Engine velocity curve-temp.png
CR-7 R.A.P.I.E.R. Engine atmosphere curve-temp.png