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Třístupňová raketa sestávající z různých základních součástek (verze 0.18.4)

Součástky (ang. Parts) představují základní stavební díly při tvorbě raket a vesmírnich lodí v Kerbal Space Program. Hráč je využíva při stavbě v Montážni hale vozidel a Hangáru vesmírných lodí. Součástky se dělí do sedmi základních části: Kabiny, Pohon, Ovládaní, Konstrukční prvky, Aerodynamika, Příslušenství, a Věda. Plná hra obsahuje 170 součástek (ve verzi 0.23.0); poslední demo verze (0.18.3) obsahuje 25 součástek.

Tyto součástky jsou někdy označována jako vanilla parts, default parts, nebo stock parts aby se odlíšili od součástek vytvořených třetími stranami.

Měrné jednotky

Hmotnost lodi se měří v tunách (t), a tah motoru se měří v kilonewtonech (kN).

Poměr tahu a hmotnosti

→ Main article: Thrust-to-weight ratio

Poměr tahu a hmotnosti (TWR) na úrovni moře na planetě Kerbin se vypočte pomocí nasledující rovnice, která se však stahuje jenom na raketové motory, protože tryskové motory používají komplikovanější vzorec na výpočet vzletu.

  • představuje tah motoru, v kilonewtononech.
  • představuje hmotnost motoru na úrovni moře na povrchu planety Kerbin v kilonewtonech.
  • představuje hmotnost motoru v tůnách (t).
  • představuje zrýchlení na úrovni moře na povrchu planety Kerbin: 9.81 m/s².

Tento TWR platí pouze na povrchu planety Kerbin. Na ostatních místech se hmotnost liší, protože se mění také gravitační zrýchlení.

Specifický impuls

→ Main article: Specific impulse

Specifický impuls se vypočte pomocí nasledující rovnice. Aby se předešlo nezrovnalostem v měrných jednotkách, specifický impuls se může udávát v jednotkách rychlosti nebo v jednotkách času. Ve hrě se specifický impuls udává v sekundách.

  • představuje specifický impuls měřený v sekundách.
  • představuje tah získaný z motoru v kilonewtonech.
  • představuje objemový průtok v Mg/s.
  • představuje zrychlení na úrovni moře na povrchu planety Kerbin: 9.81 m/s².

Gravitační zrychlení na úrovni hladiny moře je pouze převodní koeficient mezi rychlostí a časovou jednotkou. Z tohoto důvodu se nezmění, ani pokud plavidlo není na povrchu Kerbinu. Chcete-li převést konkrétní impuls z časové jednotky na jednotku rychlosti vynásobte ho s .


Image Part Radial size Cost
Max. Temp.
(kN · m)
Required Crew/
Mk1 Cockpit Small 1 250
(1 241)
2 000
(1 100)
40 50 10 Crew[Note 1] Crew 50 ⚡
7,5 Units of fuel MP
Mk1 Inline Cockpit.png
Mk1 Inline Cockpit Small 1 600
(1 591)
2 000
(1 100)
40 50 10 Crew[Note 1] Crew 50 ⚡
7,5 Units of fuel MP
Mk2 Cockpit.png
Mk2 Cockpit Mk2 3 500
(3 482)
2 500
(1 400)
45 50 15 Crew[Note 1] Crew + Crew 150 ⚡
15 Units of fuel MP
Mk2 InlineCockpit.png
Mk2 Inline Cockpit Mk2 3 500
(3 470)
2 500
(1 400)
45 50 15 Crew[Note 1] Crew + Crew 150 ⚡
25 Units of fuel MP
Mk3 Cockpit.png
Mk3 Cockpit Mk3, Small 10 000
(9 880)
2 700
(1 500)
50 50 40/40/20[Note 2] Crew[Note 1] Crew + CrewCrewCrew 500 ⚡
100 Units of fuel MP
Mk1CommandPod Dark.png
Mk1 Command Pod Small, Tiny 600
2 200
(1 200)
14 50 5 Crew[Note 1] Crew 50 ⚡
10 Units of fuel MP
Mk1-3 Command Pod Large, Small 3 800
(3 764)
2 400
(1 400)
45 50 15 Crew[Note 1] Crew + CrewCrew 150 ⚡
30 Units of fuel MP
Mk1 Lander Can Small 1 500
(1 482)
2 000
(1 000)
8 50 3 Crew[Note 1] Crew 50 ⚡
15 Units of fuel MP
Mk2 Lander Can Large 3 250
(3 202)
2 000
(1 200)
8 50 15 Crew[Note 1] Crew + Crew 100 ⚡
40 Units of fuel MP
PPD-12 Cupola Module Large, Small 3 200
(3 188)
2 000
(1 000)
8 50 9 Crew[Note 1] Crew 200 ⚡
10 Units of fuel MP
EAS-1 External Command Seat Radial mounted 200 0,05 1 200 6 50 Crew[Note 1] Crew
RoveMate White.png
Probodobodyne RoveMate Small 800 0,15 1 200 12 50 0 2,4 ⚡/min
(144 ⚡/h)
120 ⚡
Probodobodyne QBE Tiny 360 0,07 1 200 15 50 0 1,5 ⚡/min
(90 ⚡/h)
5 ⚡
Probodobodyne HECS Tiny 650 0,1 1 200 12 50 0,5 1 1,5 ⚡/min
(90 ⚡/h)
10 ⚡
Probodobodyne OKTO Tiny 450 0,1 1 200 12 50 0,3 0 1,2 ⚡/min
(72 ⚡/h)
10 ⚡
Probodobodyne OKTO2 Tiny 1 480 0,04 1 200 12 50 2 1,8 ⚡/min
(108 ⚡/h)
5 ⚡
Probodobodyne Stayputnik Tiny 300 0,05 1 800 12 50 1,67 ⚡/min
(100 ⚡/h)
10 ⚡
Probodobodyne HECS2 Small 7 500 0,2 2 000 8 50 10 3 3,0 ⚡/min
(180 ⚡/h)
1 000 ⚡
RC-001S Remote Guidance Unit Small 2 250 0,1 2 000 9 50 0,5 3 3,0 ⚡/min
(180 ⚡/h)
15 ⚡
RC-L01 Remote Guidance Unit Large 3 400 0,5 2 000 9 50 1,5 3 4,8 ⚡/min
(288 ⚡/h)
30 ⚡
MK2 Drone Core.png
MK2 Drone Core Mk2 2 700 0,2 2 500 20 50 15/3/3[Note 2] 3 3,0 ⚡/min
(180 ⚡/h)
250 ⚡
MPO Probe Small 9 900
(9 854)
2 200 9 50 6 3 3,0 ⚡/min
(180 ⚡/h)
1 000 ⚡
45 Units of fuel LF
55 Units of fuel O
MTM Stage Small 21 500
(6 300)
2 200 12 50 12 2 1,8 ⚡/min
(108 ⚡/h)
4 000 ⚡
3 800 Xenon unit XE
  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 In the "Career" mode in manned command modules, the performance and functionality of the SAS is determined by the presence of at least one kerbonaut with the specialization "Pilot" and the level of his specialization. In the "Science" and "Sandbox" modes, a kerbonaut with any specialization can use all the functionality of the SAS on board the manned command module without restrictions.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Torque differs between axes. These numbers are for pitch/yaw/roll respectively.

Velitelské kabiny (narozdíl od externích sedadel) jsou automaticky vybavena reakčním kolem a SAS modulem.


Liquid Fuel Engines

Max. Fuel
(Units of fuel/s)
Isp (s) TVC
Image Part Radial size Cost
Max. Temp.
atm vac atm vac atm vac Gimbal
LV-1R Shroud.png
LV-1R "Spider" Liquid Fuel Engine Radial mounted 120 0,02 2 000 7 50 1,79 2,0 9,14 10,20 0,141 260 290 10,0
24-77 Orange.png
24-77 "Twitch" Liquid Fuel Engine Radial mounted 230 0,08 2 000 7 50 15,17 16,0 19,34 20,39 1,125 275 290 8,0
Mk-55 Radial mount engine.png
Mk-55 "Thud" Liquid Fuel Engine Radial mounted 820 0,90 2 000 7 50 108,20 120,0 12,26 13,60 8,024 275 305 8,0
O-10 "Puff" MonoPropellant Fuel Engine[Note 1] Radial mounted 150 0,09 2 000 7 50 9,60 20,0 10,88 22,66 2,039 120 250 6,0
LV-1 Shroud.png
LV-1 "Ant" Liquid Fuel Engine Tiny, Radial mounted 110 0,02 2 000 7 50 0,51 2,0 2,59 10,20 0,129 80 315
48-7S Shroud.png
48-7S "Spark" Liquid Fuel Engine Tiny 240 0,13 2 000 7 50 16,56 20,0 12,99 15,69 1,275 265 320 3,0
LV-909 Shroud.png
LV-909 "Terrier" Liquid Fuel Engine Small 390 0,50 2 000 7 50 14,78 60,0 3,01 12,24 3,547 85 345 4,0
LV-T30 Liquid Fuel Engine recent.png
LV-T30 "Reliant" Liquid Fuel Engine Small 1 100 1,25 2 000 7 50 205,16 240,0 16,74 19,58 15,789 265 310
LV-T45 LFE.png
LV-T45 "Swivel" Liquid Fuel Engine Small 1 200 1,50 2 000 7 50 167,97 215,0 11,42 14,62 13,703 250 320 3,0
KS-25 LFE.png
S3 KS-25 "Vector" Liquid Fuel Engine Small, Radial mounted 18 000 4,00 2 000 22 50 936,51 1 000,0 23,87 25,49 64,745 295 315 10,5
T-1 Toroidal Aerospike "Dart" Liquid Fuel Engine Small, Radial mounted 3 850 1,00 2 000 20 50 153,53 180,0 15,66 18,35 10,797 290 340
LV-N Atomic.png
LV-N "Nerv" Atomic Rocket Motor[Note 2] Small 10 000 3,00 2 500 12 50 13,88 60,0 0,47 2,04 1,530 185 800
RE-L10 "Poodle" Liquid Fuel Engine Large 1 300 1,75 2 000 7 50 64,29 250,0 3,75 14,57 14,568 90 350 4,5
RE-I5 "Skipper" Liquid Fuel Engine Large 5 300 3,00 2 000 8 50 568,75 650,0 19,33 22,09 41,426 280 320 2,0
RE-M3 "Mainsail" Liquid Fuel Engine Large 13 000 6,00 2 000 7 50 1 379,03 1 500,0 23,44 25,49 98,683 285 310 2,0
LFB KR-1x2.png
LFB KR-1x2 "Twin-Boar" Liquid Fuel Engine[Note 3] Large, Radial mounted 17 000
(14 062,4)
2 000 20 50 1 866,67 2 000,0 4,48
135,964 280 300 1,5
Kerbodyne KR-2L+ "Rhino" Liquid Fuel Engine Extra large 25 000 9,00 2 000 7 50 1 205,88 2 000,0 13,66 22,66 119,968 205 340 4,0
S3 KS-25x4 "Mammoth" Liquid Fuel Engine Extra large 39 000 15,00 2 000 20 50 3 746,03 4 000,0 25,47 27,19 258,978 295 315 2,0
Rapier Engine 01.png
CR-7 R.A.P.I.E.R. Engine[Note 4] Small 6 000 2,00 2 000 20 50 162,30 180,0 8,27 9,18 12,036 275 305 3,0
  1. Consumes monopropellant. (the density of monopropellant is less: 4kg/unit)
  2. Consumes liquid fuel only.
  3. The LFB KR-1x2 is a liquid fuel booster -- a combination of a "normal" engine and a fuel tank.
  4. The R.A.P.I.E.R. Engine is a combination of liquid fuel and jet engine. Only the liquid fuel engine properties are shown.

Jet Engines

Image Part Radial size Cost
Max. Temp.
TWR Fuel
(Units of fuel/s)
(Air unit/s)
Isp (s) TVC
J-20 "Juno" Basic Jet Engine Tiny 450 0,25 2 000 7 50 20,0 Mach 0
20,6 Mach 1,3
8,16 Mach 0
8,40 Mach 1,3
0,064 1,402 6 400 No
J-33 "Wheesley" Turbofan Engine Small 1 400 1,5 2 000 7 50 120,0 Mach 0 8,16 Mach 0 0,233 29,601 10 500 Yes
J-404 "Panther" Afterburning Turbofan Small 2 000 1,2 2 000 7 50 85,00 Mach 0
107,89 Mach 1,75 /
130,00 Mach 0
219,48 Mach 2,5
7,22 Mach 0
9,17 Mach 1,75 /
11,05 Mach 0
18,65 Mach 2,5
0,193 /
7,705 /
9 000 /
4 000
10,0 No
J-X4 "Whiplash" Turbo Ramjet Engine Small 2 250 1,8 2 000 7 50 130,00 Mach 0
386,66 Mach 3,0
7,36 Mach 0
21,90 Mach 3,0
0,663 5,303 4 000 1,0 No
J-90 Goliath Turbofan Engine.png
J-90 "Goliath" Turbofan Engine Radial mounted 2 600 4,5 2 000 7 50 360,0 Mach 0 8,16 Mach 0 0,583 132,273 12 600 Yes
Rapier Engine 01.png
CR-7 R.A.P.I.E.R. Engine[Note 1] Small 6 000 2,0 2 000 20 50 105,00 Mach 0
465,64 Mach 3,75
5,35 Mach 0
23,74 Mach 3,75
0,669 4,015 3 200 3,0 No
  1. The R.A.P.I.E.R. Engine is a combination of liquid fuel and jet engine. Only the jet engine properties are shown.

Solid Fuel Boosters

Solid Fuel Density is 7.5 kg/unit Mass
(Units of fuel)
TWR Isp (s) Burn
Full Empty
Image Part Radial size Cost
Full Empty Max. Temp.
atm vac atm vac atm vac atm vac
RT-5 White.png
RT-5 "Flea" Solid Fuel Booster Small, Radial mounted 200
1,50 0,45 2 000 7 50 140 162,91 192,0 11,07 13,05 36,92 43,51 140 165 8,8
RT-10 White.png
RT-10 "Hammer" Solid Fuel Booster Small, Radial mounted 400
3,56 0,75 2 000 7 50 375 197,90 227,0 5,66 6,50 26,91 30,86 170 195 23,7
BACC "Thumper" Solid Fuel Booster Small, Radial mounted 850
7,65 1,50 2 200 7 50 820 250,00 300,0 3,33 4,00 17,00 20,39 175 210 42,2
S1 SRB-KD25k "Kickback" Solid Fuel Booster Small, Radial mounted 2 700
(1 140)
24,00 4,50 2 200 7 50 2 600 593,86 670,0 2,52 2,85 13,46 15,18 195 220 62,8
Sepratron I Radial mounted 75
0,0725 0,0125 2 000 7 50 8 13,79 18,0 19,40 25,32 112,51 146,84 118 154 5,0
FM1 "Mite" Solid Fuel Booster Tiny, Radial mounted 75
0,375 0,075 2 200 7 50 40 11,012 12,5 2,93 3,33 14,68 16,66 185 210 49,44
F3S0 "Shrimp" Solid Fuel Booster Tiny, Radial mounted 150
0,875 0,155 2 200 7 50 90 26,512 30,0 3,22 3,65 17,1 19,35 190 215 47,44
S2-17 "Thoroughbred" Solid Fuel Booster Large, Radial mounted 9 000
(4 200,0)
70,00 10,00 2 200 10 50 8 000 1 515,217 1 700,0 2,16 2,43 15,15 17,0 205 230 79,6
S2-33 "Clydesdale" Solid Fuel Booster Large, Radial mounted 18 500
(8 660,0)
144,00 21,00 2 200 10 50 16 400 2 948,936 3 300,0 2,05 2,29 14,04 15,71 210 235 85,9

Liquid Fuel Tanks

Liquid fuel and oxidizer density are both 5 kg/unit Mass

(Units of fuel)
(Units of fuel)
Image Part Radial size Cost
Full Empty Max. Temp.
R-4 FT.png
R-4 'Dumpling' External Tank X 50
0,1238 0,0138 2 000 5 50 9.9 12.1
R-11 FT.png
R-11 'Baguette' External Tank X 50
0,3038 0,0338 2 000 5 50 24.3 29.7
R-12 FT.png
R-12 'Doughnut' External Tank Small 147
0,3375 0,0375 2 000 6 50 27 33
Oscar-B FT.png
Oscar-B Fuel Tank Tiny 70
0,225 0,025 2 000 6 50 18 22
FL-T100 Dark.png
FL-T100 Fuel Tank Small 150
0,5625 0,0625 2 000 6 50 45 55
FL-T200 Dark.png
FL-T200 Fuel Tank Small 275
1,125 0,125 2 000 6 50 90 110
FL-T400 Dark.png
FL-T400 Fuel Tank Small 500
2,25 0,25 2 000 6 50 180 220
FL-T800 Dark.png
FL-T800 Fuel Tank Small 800
4,5 0,5 2 000 6 50 360 440
X200-8 White.png
Rockomax X200-8 Fuel Tank Large 800
4,5 0,5 2 000 6 50 360 440
X200-16 White.png
Rockomax X200-16 Fuel Tank Large 1 550
9 1 2 000 6 50 720 880
X200-32 White.png
Rockomax X200-32 Fuel Tank Large 3 000
(1 531,2)
18 2 2 000 6 50 1 440 1 760
Jumbo-64 White.png
Rockomax Jumbo-64 Fuel Tank Large 5 750
(2 812,4)
36 4 2 000 6 50 2 880 3 520
Kerbodyne S3-3600 Tank.png
Kerbodyne S3-3600 Tank Extra large 3 250
(1 597,6)
20,25 2,25 2 000 6 50 1 620 1 980
Kerbodyne S3-7200 Tank.png
Kerbodyne S3-7200 Tank Extra large 6 500
(3 195,2)
40,5 4,5 2 000 6 50 3 240 3 960
Kerbodyne S3-14400 Tank.png
Kerbodyne S3-14400 Tank Extra large 13 000
(6 390,4)
81 9 2 000 6 50 6 480 7 920
Mk2 LF+O Fuselage Short.png
Mk2 Rocket Fuel Fuselage Short Mk2 750
2,29 0,29 2 500 50 50 180 220
Mk2 LF+O Fuselage.png
Mk2 Rocket Fuel Fuselage Mk2 1 450
(1 082,8)
4,57 0,57 2 500 50 50 360 440
Mk3 Rocket Fuel Fuselage Short.png
Mk3 Rocket Fuel Fuselage Short Mk3 2 500
(1 352,5)
14,29 1,79 2 700 50 50 1 125 1 375
Mk3 Rocket Fuel Fuselage.png
Mk3 Rocket Fuel Fuselage Mk3 5 000
(2 705)
28,57 3,57 2 700 50 50 2 250 2 750
Mk3 Rocket Fuel Fuselage Long.png
Mk3 Rocket Fuel Fuselage Long Mk3 10 000
(5 410)
57,14 7,14 2 700 50 50 4 500 5 500
C7 Brand Adapter - 2.5m to 1.25m.png
C7 Brand Adapter - 2.5m to 1.25m Small, Large 800
4,57 0,57 2 300 20 50 360 440
C7 Brand Adapter Slanted - 2.5m to 1.25m.png
C7 Brand Adapter Slanted - 2.5m to 1.25m Small, Large 800
4,57 0,57 2 300 20 50 360 440
Mk2 to 1.25m Adapter.png
Mk2 to 1.25m Adapter Small, Mk2 550
2,29 0,29 2 500 50 50 180 220
Mk2 to 1.25m Adapter Long.png
Mk2 to 1.25m Adapter Long Small, Mk2 1 050
4,57 0,57 2 500 50 50 360 440
Mk2 Bicoupler.png
Mk2 Bicoupler Small, Mk2 x 2 860
2,29 0,29 2 500 50 50 180 220
2.5m to Mk2 Adapter.png
2.5m to Mk2 Adapter Large, Mk2 800
4,57 0,57 2 500 50 50 360 440
Mk3 to Mk2 Adapter.png
Mk3 to Mk2 Adapter Mk2, Mk3 2 200
(1 282,0)
11,43 1,43 2 600 50 50 900 1 100
Mk3 to 2.5m Adapter.png
Mk3 to 2.5m Adapter Large, Mk3 2 500
(1 353,0)
14,29 1,79 2 600 50 50 1 125 1 375
Mk3 to 2.5m Adapter Slanted.png
Mk3 to 2.5m Adapter Slanted Large, Mk3 2 500
(1 353,0)
14,29 1,79 2 600 50 50 1 125 1 375
Mk3 to 3.75m Adapter.png
Mk3 to 3.75m Adapter Extra large, Mk3 2 500
(1 353,0)
14,29 1,79 2 600 50 50 1 125 1 375
ADTP-2-3 Gray.png
Kerbodyne ADTP-2-3 Large, Extra large 1 623
16,88 1,88 2 000 6 50 1 350 1 650

Fuselages (Jet Fuel Tanks)

Jet fuel is identical to the liquid fuel in liquid fuel tanks. Топливо для ВРД идентично жидкому топливу для ЖРД.

Liquid Fuel Density is 5 kg/unit Mass

(Units of fuel)
Image Part Radial size Cost
Full Empty Max. Temp.
Engine Nacelle.png
Engine Nacelle[Note 1] Small 600
0,925 0,15 2 000 10 50 150
Engine Pre-cooler.png
Engine Pre-cooler[Note 1] Small 1 650
(1 618)
0,375 0,15 2 000 10 50 40
Mk1 Fuselage-Intake.png
Mk1 Diverterless Supersonic Intake[Note 1] Small 720
1,18 0,17 2 000 10 50 200
Mk0 Liquid Fuel Fuselage Tiny 200
0,275 0,025 2 000 10 50 50
Mk1 Liquid Fuel Fuselage.png
Mk1 Liquid Fuel Fuselage Small 550
2,25 0,25 2 000 10 50 400
Mk2 Liquid Fuselage Short.png
Mk2 Liquid Fuel Fuselage Short Mk2 750
2,29 0,29 2 500 50 50 400
Mk2 FT.png
Mk2 Liquid Fuel Fuselage Mk2 1 450
4,57 0,57 2 500 50 50 800
Mk3 Liquid Fuel Fuselage Short.png
Mk3 Liquid Fuel Fuselage Short Mk3 4 300
(2 300)
14,29 1,79 2 700 50 50 2 500
Mk3 Liquid Fuel Fuselage.png
Mk3 Liquid Fuel Fuselage Mk3 8 600
(4 600)
28,57 3,57 2 700 50 50 5 000
Mk3 Liquid Fuel Fuselage Long.png
Mk3 Liquid Fuel Fuselage Long Mk3 17 200
(9 200)
57,14 7,14 2 700 50 50 10 000
NCS Adapter.png
NCS Adapter Small, Tiny 320
0,5 0,1 2 400 10 50 80
FAT-455 Aeroplane Main Wing[Note 2] X 2 800
(2 320)
3,78 0,78 1 200 15 50 600
Big-S Wing Strake[Note 2] X 1 000
0,6 0,1 2 400 15 50 100
Big-S Delta Wing[Note 2] X 3 000
(2 760)
2,0 0,5 2 400 15 50 300
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The Engine Nacelle, Engine Pre-cooler, and Mk1 Diverterless Supersonic Intake are a combination of air intake and liquid fuel tank. Only the tank properties are shown. They are located in the "Aerodynamic" category in the game.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 The FAT-455 Aeroplane Main Wing, Big-S Wing Strake, and Big-S Delta Wing are a combination of lifting surface and liquid fuel tank. Only the tank properties are shown. They are located in the "Aerodynamic" category in the game.

RCS Fuel Tanks

RCS Fuel Density is 4 kg/unit Mass
(Units of fuel)
Image Part Radial size Cost
Full Empty Max. Temp.
FL-R20 RCS Fuel Tank Tiny 200
0,10 0,02 2 000 12 50 20
FL-R25 FT.png
FL-R120 RCS Fuel Tank Small 330
0,56 0,08 2 000 12 50 120
FL-R1 Yellow.png
FL-R750 RCS Fuel Tank Large 1 800
3,4 0,4 2 000 12 50 750
Mk2 Monopropellant Tank.png
Mk2 Monopropellant Tank Mk2 750
1,89 0,29 2 500 50 50 400
Mk3 Monopropellant Tank.png
Mk3 Monopropellant Tank Mk3 5 040
(2 520)
9,8 1,4 2 700 50 50 2 100
Stratus-v roundified monopropellant tank.png
Stratus-V Roundified Monopropellant Tank X 200
0,10 0,02 2 000 12 50 20
Stratus-V Cylindrified.png
Stratus-V Cylindrified Monopropellant Tank X 250
0,23 0,03 2 000 12 50 50


TWR Isp (s) Max. Consumption
Image Part Radial size Cost
Max. Temp.
atm vac atm vac atm vac Electricity
(Xenon unit/s)
IX-6315 "Dawn" Electric Propulsion System Tiny 8 000 0,25 2 000 7 50 0,048 2,0 0,019 0,816 100 4 200 8,741 0,486

Xenon density is 0.1 kg/unit Mass
(Xenon unit)
Image Part Radial size Cost
Full Empty Max. Temp.
PB-X50R Xenon Container Radial mounted 2 220
0,054 0,014 2 000 12 50 405
Pb-x150 xenon container.png
PB-X150 Xenon Container Tiny 3 680
0,100 0,024 2 000 6 50 720
PB-X750 Xenon Container.png
PB-X750 Xenon Container Small 24 300
(1 500)
0,76 0,19 2 000 6 50 5 700


SAS modules

Image Part Radial size Cost
Max. Temp.
AvionicsPackage v2.png
CH-J3 Fly-By-Wire Avionics Hub Tiny 5 200 0,08 2 400 7 50 3 0,03

Reaction wheels

Image Part Radial size Cost
Max. Temp.
Inline reaction wheel.png
Small Inline Reaction Wheel Tiny 600 0,05 2 000 9 50 5 0,25
(15 ⚡/min)
Inline advanced stabilizer.png
Advanced Inline Stabilizer Small 1 200 0,1 2 000 9 50 15 0,45
(27 ⚡/min)
ASAS large.png
Advanced Reaction Wheel Module, Large Large 2 100 0,2 2 000 9 50 30 0,6
(36 ⚡/min)

RCS thrusters

Image Part Radial size Cost
Max. Temp.
(Units of fuel/s)
Isp (s) (atm) Isp (s) (vac)
RV-1X Variable Thruster Block Radial mounted 30 0,005 1 500 12 50 0,1 0,01 100 240
Place Anywhere 1 Linear RCS Port Radial mounted 15 0,001 1 500 12 50 0,2 0,02 100 240
RV-105 RCS Thruster Block Radial mounted 45 0,04 1 500 15 50 1,0 0,11 100 240
Linear RCS.png
Place-Anywhere 7 Linear RCS Port Radial mounted 25 0,02 2 600 15 50 2,0 0,21 100 240
Vernor Engine[Note 1] Radial mounted 150 0,08 2 000 15 50 12,0 0,94 140 260
  1. The Vernor Engine uses a liquid fuel/oxidizer mixture.

Konstrukční prvky

Adapters, Couplers & Struts

Image Part Radial size Cost
Max. Temp.
FL-A10 White.png
FL-A10 Adapter Tiny, Small 150 0,05 2 000 6 50
RockomaxBrandAdapter Gray.png
Rockomax Brand Adapter Small, Large 500 0,1 2 000 6 50
FL-A5 White.png
FL-A5 Adapter Tiny, Small 100 0,04 2 000 6 50
RockomaxBrandAdapter02 Gray.png
Rockomax Brand Adapter 02 Large, Small 450 0,08 2 000 6 50
Radial attachment point.png
BZ-52 Radial Attachment Point Small, Radial mounted 250 0,04 2 000 10 50
Rockomax Hubmax Multi-Point Connector big.png
Rockomax HubMax Multi-Point Connector Small 900 1,5 2 000 15 50
Mk1 Structural Fuselage.png
Structural Fuselage Small 380 0,1 2 000 10 50
TVR-200 Dark.png
TVR-200 Stack Bi-Coupler Small, Small x 2 400 0,1 2 000 9 50
TVR-1180C Dark.png
TVR-1180C Mk1 Stack Tri-Coupler Small, Small x 3 680 0,15 2 000 12 50
TVR-2160C Dark.png
TVR-2160C Mk2 Stack Quad-Coupler Small, Small x 4 2 000 0,175 2 000 12 50
TVR-200L Dark.png
TVR-200L Stack Bi-Adapter Large, Small x 2 400 0,1 2 000 12 50
TVR-300L Dark.png
TVR-300L Stack Tri-Adapter Large, Small x 3 600 0,15 2 000 12 50
TVR-400L Dark.png
TVR-400L Stack Quad-Adapter Large, Small x 4 800 0,2 2 000 12 50
Mk3 Engine Mount Mk3 2500 0,7 2 600 50 50

Beams, panels and radial elements

Image Part Radial size Cost
Max. Temp.
Strut connector.png
EAS-4 Strut Connector Radial mounted 42 0,05 2 000 12 50
Cubic Octagonal Strut.png
Cubic Octagonal Strut Tiny 16 0,001 2 000 7 50
Octagonal Strut.png
Octagonal Strut Tiny 20 0,001 2 000 7 50
Modular Girder Adapter.png
Modular Girder Adapter Small 50 0,25 2 000 80 50
Modular Girder Segment.png
Modular Girder Segment Small 25 0,125 2 000 80 50
Modular Girder Segment XL.png
Modular Girder Segment XL Small 75 0,375 2 000 80 50
M-Beam 650 I-Beam.png
M-Beam 650 I-Beam Tiny 50 0,08 2 000 80 50
M-Beam 200 I-Beam.png
M-Beam 200 I-Beam Tiny 25 0,375 2 000 80 50
M-Beam 200 I-Beam Pocket Edition.png
M-Beam 200 I-Beam Pocket Edition Tiny 14 0,1875 2 000 80 50
The Not-Rockomax Micronode Tiny 25 0,15 2 000 15 50
M-1x1 Structural Panel.png
M-1x1 Structural Panel Tiny 30 0,075 2 000 80 50
M-2x2 Structural Panel.png
M-2x2 Structural Panel Tiny 90 0,3 2 000 80 50
Small hardpoint.png
Small Hardpoint Radial mounted 60 0,05 2 000 20 50
Structural Pylon.png
Structural Pylon Radial mounted 125 0,2 2 000 70 50

Ground Support

Image Part Radial size Cost
Max. Temp.
TT18-A Launch Stability Enhancer Radial mounted 200 2 000 100


Air intakes

Image Part Radial size Cost
Max. Temp.
Intake Air (Air unit)
Intake Area
Small Circular Intake Tiny 250 0,007 1 200 7 50 0,5 / 0,5 0,10
Circular Intake.png
Circular Intake Small 680 0,04 1 900 7 50 2,0 / 2,0 0,60
Adjustable Ramp Intake Small 2 680 0,06 2 400 7 50 2,0 / 2,0 0,74
Shock Cone Intake.png
Shock Cone Intake Small 3 050 0,12 2 400 7 50 2,0 / 2,0 0,75
Mk1 Driverterless Supersonic Intake.png
Mk1 Diverterless Supersonic Intake

[Note 1]

Small 720
2 000 10 50 2,0 / 2,0 0,61
Engine Nacelle.png
Engine Nacelle[Note 1] Small 600
2 000 10 50 5,0 / 5,0 0,50
Engine Pre-cooler.png
Engine Pre-cooler[Note 1] Small 1 650
(1 618)
2 000 10 50 5,0 / 5,0 0,50
XM-G50 Radial Air Intake Radial mounted 250 0,02 2 000 10 50 2,0 / 2,0 0,31
Structural Intake.png
Adjustable Ramp Intake (Radial) Radial mounted 900 0,01 2 400 7 50 0,5 / 0,5 0,10

The values of masses in the table don't consist the mass of the intake air (5 kg/Air unit), as you can see in the SPH/VAB.

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The Mk1 Diverterless Supersonic Intake, the Engine Nacelle and Engine Pre-cooler are a combination of air intake and liquid fuel tank of 200, 160 and 40 units. Only the air intake properties are shown.

Nose cones and tail connectors

Image Part Radial size Cost
Max. Temp.
Small Nosecone 1.6.png
Small Nose Cone Tiny 180 0,01 2 400 10 50
AerodynamicNoseCone Gray.png
Aerodynamic Nose Cone Small 240 0,03 2 400 10 50
AdvancedNoseCone-A White.png
Advanced Nose Cone - Type A Small 320 0,075 2 000 10 50
AdvancedNoseCone-B White.png
Advanced Nose Cone - Type B Small 320 0,075 2 000 10 50
ProtectiveNoseCone White.png
Protective Rocket Nose Cone Mk7 Large 450 0,2 2 400 10 50
ProtectiveNoseCone Mk12A.png
Protective Rocket Nose Cone Mk12A Extra large 850 0,4 2 400 10 50
Tail connector.png
Tail Connector A Small 675 0,2 2 200 8 50
Tail Connector B.png
Tail Connector B Small 675 0,2 2 200 8 50

Modular wings

Dimensions (m)
Image Part Radial size Cost
Max. Temp.
Lift L W (/ E) SD
Wing Connector Type A.png
Wing Connector Type A Radial mounted 500 0,2 2 400 15 50 2 2 4
Wing Connector Type B.png
Wing Connector Type B Radial mounted 500 0,2 2 400 15 50 2 4 2
Wing Connector Type C.png
Wing Connector Type C Radial mounted 250 0,1 2 400 15 50 1 2 2
Wing Connector Type D.png
Wing Connector Type D Radial mounted 100 0,05 2 400 15 50 0,5 2 1
Wing Connector Type E.png
Wing Connector Type E Radial mounted 100 0,05 2 400 15 50 0,5 1 2
Delta wing.png
Delta Wing Radial mounted 600 0,2 2 400 15 50 2 4 4 / 0
Small Delta Wing.png
Small Delta Wing Radial mounted 200 0,05 2 400 15 50 0,5 2 2 / 0
Wing Strake.png
Wing Strake Radial mounted 400 0,05 2 400 15 50 0,5 1 4 / 0
Structural Wing Type A.png
Structural Wing Type A Radial mounted 500 0,1 2 400 15 50 1 2 4 / 0
Structural Wing Type B.png
Structural Wing Type B Radial mounted 500 0,1 2 400 15 50 1 4 2 / 0
Structural Wing Type C.png
Structural Wing Type C Radial mounted 300 0,05 2 400 15 50 0,5 4 1 / 0
Structural Wing Type D.png
Structural Wing Type D Radial mounted 150 0,025 2 400 15 50 0,25 1 2 / 0
Swept Wing Type A.png
Swept Wing Type A Radial mounted 500 0,113 2 400 15 50 1,13 4 2 / 0 2
Swept Wing Type B.png
Swept Wing Type B Radial mounted 500 0,226 2 400 15 50 2,26 4 2 / 2 2


Dimensions (m)
Image Part Radial size Cost
Max. Temp.
Lift L W (/ E) SD
Basic Fin Radial mounted 25 0,01 934 4 50 0,12 ~ 0,5 ~ 1,2 / ~ 0 ~ -0,2
AVT1 Winglet.png
AV-T1 Winglet Radial mounted 500 0,037 2 400 12 50 0,37 ~ 0,75 ~ 1 / ~ 0 ~ 0


Dimensions (m)
Image Part Radial size Cost
Max. Temp.
Lift L W (/ E) SD
SweptWings.png Swept Wings Radial mounted 620 0,275 2 400 15 50 1,37 ~ 4 ~ 2 / 1 ~ 2
FAT-455 Aeroplane Main Wing Radial mounted 2 800
(3 280)
0,78 /
(3,78)[Note 1]
1 200 15 50 7,8 ~ 12 ~ 5
~ 3
Big-S Wing Strake Radial mounted 1 000
(1 080)
(0,6)[Note 2]
2 400 15 50 1,0 ~ 1,5 ~ 6,5 / 0 ~ 0
Big-S Delta Wing Radial mounted 3 000
(3 240)
(2,0)[Note 3]
2 400 15 50 5,0 ~ 5 ~ 6 / 0
  1. can hold 600 units of liquid fuel
  2. can hold 100 units of liquid fuel
  3. can hold 300 units of liquid fuel

Control surfaces

Image Part Radial size Cost
Max. Temp.
Lift Deflection
Surface Part
Av-r8 winglet.png
AV-R8 Winglet Radial mounted 640 0,1 2 400 12 50 0,5 15 95
Standard canard v2.png
Standard Canard Radial mounted 720 0,1 2 400 12 50 0,5 15 100
Advanced canard v2.png
Advanced Canard Radial mounted 800 0,08 2 400 12 50 0,4 10 100
Delta-deluxe winglet.png
Delta-Deluxe Winglet Radial mounted 600 0,078 2 400 12 50 0,65 25 20
Tail fin.png
Tail Fin Radial mounted 600 0,125 2 400 12 50 0,61 25 100
FAT-455 Aeroplane Tail Fin Radial mounted 1 000 0,36 1 200 15 50 2,69 15 37
Big-S Spaceplane Tail Fin Radial mounted 2 500 0,45 2 400 15 50 3,49 25 29
Elevon 1.png Elevon 1 Radial mounted 400 0,05 2 400 15 50 0,25 20 100
Elevon 2.png Elevon 2 Radial mounted 550 0,06 2 400 15 50 0,30 20 100
Elevon 3.png Elevon 3 Radial mounted 650 0,08 2 400 15 50 0,42 20 100
Elevon 4.png Elevon 4 Radial mounted 400 0,04 2 400 15 50 0,18 20 100
Elevon 5.png Elevon 5 Radial mounted 800 0,08 2 400 15 50 0,4 20 100
Big-S Elevon 1 Radial mounted 950 0,15 2 400 15 50 0,77 25 100
Big-S Elevon 2 Radial mounted 1 300 0,23 2 400 15 50 1,16 25 100
FAT-455 Aeroplane Control Surface Radial mounted 800 0,17 1 200 15 50 0,86 15 100
A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S[Note 1] Radial mounted 1000 0,05 1 200
(2 400)
8 50 0,38 70 100
  1. A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S are classified as an "Aero Surface" in the part configuration files and in-game.


This category provides details of auxiliary systems that are not directly involved in creating the motion of the spacecraft, but nevertheless help to successfully complete the mission.


Image Part Radial size Cost
Max. Temp.
Fully Deployed
(atm) [Note 1]
(m AGL) [Note 1]
Mk16 Parachute.png
Mk16 Parachute Tiny 422 0,1 2 500 12 50 0,8 20,7 0,04 1 000
Mk16-XL Parachute.png
Mk16-XL Parachute Small 850 0,3 2 500 12 50 2,5 51,2 0,04 1 000
Mk2-R Parachute.png
Mk2-R Radial-Mount Parachute Radial mounted 400 0,1 2 500 12 50 1,6 41,3 0,04 1 000
Mk25 Parachute.png
Mk25 Parachute Small 400 0,2 2 500 12 50 0,9 6,3 0,02 2 500
Mk12-R Radial-Mount Drogue Chute.png
Mk12-R Radial-Mount Drogue Chute Radial mounted 150 0,075 2 500 12 50 1,3 7,7 0,02 2 500
  1. 1.0 1.1 This setting is tweakable


Image Part Radial size Cost
Max. Temp.
Pegasus I Mobility Enhancer Radial mounted 100 0,005 2 000 8 50
Kelus Mobility Enhancer Radial mounted 350 0,005 2 000 8 50
Kelus-LV Bay Mobility Enhancer Radial mounted 440 0,005 2 000 8 50


Image Part Radial size Cost
Max. Temp.
Illuminator Mk1 v2.png Illuminator Mk1 Radial mounted 100 0,015 2 000 8 50 0,04
(2,4 ⚡/min)
Domelight Mk1.png Domelight Mk1 Radial mounted 50 0,002 2 000 8 50 0,01
(0,3 ⚡/min)
Navigation Light Mk1.png Navigation Light Mk1 Radial mounted 40 0,001 2 000 8 50 0,01
(0,6 ⚡/min)
Spotlight Mk1.png Spotlight Mk1 Radial mounted 75 0,005 2 000 8 50 0,02
(1,2 ⚡/min)
Lightstrip Mk1.png Lightstrip Mk1 Radial mounted 40 0,001 2 000 8 50 0,01
(0,3 ⚡/min)
Illuminator Mk2 v1.11.1.png Illuminator Mk2 Radial mounted 100 0,015 2 000 8 50 0,02
(1,2 ⚡/min)

Escape systems

Solid Fuel Density is 7.5 kg/unit Mass
(Units of fuel)
TWR Isp (s) Burn
Full Empty
Image Part Radial size Cost
Full Empty Max. Temp.
atm vac atm vac atm vac atm vac
Launch Escape System.png
Launch Escape System Small 1 000
1,125 0,90 2 700 15 50 30 666,67 750,0 60,43 67,98 75,53 84,98 160 180 0,5

Habitation module

Image Part Radial size Cost
Max. Temp.
PPD-10 Hitchhiker Storage Container.png
PPD-10 Hitchhiker Storage Container Large 4 000 2,5 2 000
(1 000)
6 50 Crew Crew Crew Crew
Mk1 Crew Cabin Small 550 1,0 2 000
(1 000)
40 50 Crew Crew
Mk2 Crew Cabin.png
MK2 Crew Cabin Mk2 4 200 2,0 2 000
(1 400)
45 50 Crew Crew Crew Crew
Mk3 Passenger Module.png
Mk3 Passenger Module Mk3 30 000 6,5 2 700
(1 500)
50 50 Crew Crew Crew Crew
Crew Crew Crew Crew
Crew Crew Crew Crew
Crew Crew Crew Crew

Resource harvesters

Image Part Radial size Cost
Max. Temp.
'Drill-O-Matic Junior' Mining Excavator.png
'Drill-O-Matic Junior' Mining Excavator Radial mounted 1 000 0,25 2000 7 50 3
'Drill-O-Matic' Mining Excavator Radial mounted 6 000 1,25 2000 7 50 15


Image Part Radial size Cost
Max. Temp.
Convert-O-Tron 125.png
Convert-O-Tron 125 Small 1 000 1,25 2 000 7 50 30
ISRU Converter.png
Convert-O-Tron 250 Large 8 000 4,25 2 000 7 50 30


Image Part Radial size Cost
Max. Temp.
RFP0 Flag.png
RFP-0 Flag (.625m) Radial mounted 20 0,0004 2 000 12 50
RFP1 Flag.png
RFP-1 Flag (1.25m) Radial mounted 20 0,0008 2 000 12 50
RFP2 Flag.png
RFP-2 Flag (2.5m) Radial mounted 50 0,0036 2 000 12 50
RFP2 Flag.png
RFP-3 Flag (3.75m) Radial mounted 70 0,008 2 000 12 50
RFPF Flag.png
RFP-F Flag Flat Radial mounted 60 0,0096 2 000 12 50

Mass and cost are given as default values. Actual mass and cost will change depending on flag size and variant.

Firework launchers

Image Part Radial size Cost
Max. Temp.
Starshot-32 Small, Radial mounted 200 0,03 1 200 6 50 32
Starshot-8 Tiny, Radial mounted 15 0,00125 1 500 12 50 8


Tyto součástky jsou určené na vykonávaní vědy a jsou především užitečné v kampani. These parts are used to do science and are most useful in the career and science game modes.


Image Part Radial size Cost
Max. Temp.
Required Crew
Mobile Processing Lab MPL-LG-2 Large 4 000 3,5 2 200
(1 100)
6 50 Crew + Crew

Experiment Storage

Image Part Radial size Cost
Max. Temp.
Experiment Storage Unit.png
Experiment Storage Unit Tiny 1 000 0,05 2 900 15 50


Image Part Radial size Cost
Max. Temp.
Data size
Experiment (Base Science Value)
SENTINEL Infrared Telescope Small 4500 0,1 2 000 7 50 30 Infrared Telescope (15)


Image Part Radial size Cost
Max. Temp.
Data size
Experiment (Base Science Value)
SC-9001 Science Jr. Small 1800 0,2 1 200 6 50 25 Materials Study (25)
Mystery Goo Containment Unit-02.png
Mystery Goo™ Containment Unit Radial mounted 800 0,05 1 200 12 50 10 Mystery Goo™ Observation (10)
Double-C Seismic Accelerometer.png
Double-C Seismic Accelerometer Radial mounted 6 000 0,005 1 200 8 50 0,0075
(0,45 ⚡/min)
50 Seismic Scan (20)
PresMat Barometer Radial mounted 880 0,005 1 200 8 50 0,0075
(0,45 ⚡/min)
12 Atmospheric Pressure Scan (12)
GRAVMAX Negative Gravioli Detector.png
GRAVMAX Negative Gravioli Detector Radial mounted 8 800 0,005 1 200 8 50 0,0075
(0,45 ⚡/min)
60 Gravity Scan (20)
2HOT Thermometer.png
2HOT Thermometer Radial mounted 900 0,005 1 200 8 50 0,0075
(0,45 ⚡/min)
8 Temperature Scan (8)
Atmospheric Fluid Spectro-Variometer.png
Atmospheric Fluid Spectro-Variometer Radial mounted 6 500 0,005 1 200 8 50 200 Atmosphere Analysis (20)
Magnetometer Boom.png
Magnetometer Boom Radial mounted 2 200 0,05 1 200 8 50 45 Magnetometer Report (45)

Resource scanners

Image Part Radial size Cost
Max. Temp.
Max. altitude
M700 Survey Scanner.png
M700 Survey Scanner Small 1 500 0,2 2 000 7 50 Orbital All 1 500 000
M4435 Narrow-Band Scanner.png
M4435 Narrow-Band Scanner Small 1 000 0,1 2 000 7 50 Surface Ore 500 000
Surface Scanning Module.png
Surface Scanning Module Radial mounted 800 0,005 2 000 7 50 Surface Ore 1 000