Mk3 Cockpit

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Mk3 Cockpit
Part image
Cockpit by
C7 Aerospace Division

Radial size Small, Mk3
Cost (total) 10 140.00 Funds
(dry) 9 880.00 Funds
Mass (total) 3.900 t
(dry) 3.124 t
Drag 0.1
Max. Temp. 2700 K
Impact Tolerance 50 m/s
Research HeavyAerodynamics.png Heavy Aerodynamics
Unlock cost 50 000 Funds
Since version 0.15
Part configuration mk3CockpitShuttle.cfg
Crew capacity (maximum) Crew
(required) Crew
SAS level × None
Pitch torque 40 kN·m
Yaw torque 40 kN·m
Roll torque 20 kN·m
Electricity required
Experiment Crew Report
Collectable No
Rerunnable Yes
Resettable Yes
Electricity required None
Antenna type Internal
Antenna rating 5 km
Inventory Slots 4 slots
Volume limit 800 l
Monopropellant 100 Units of fuel
Electric capacity 500 ⚡

The Mk3 Cockpit is a big and expensive space shuttle-style Command Module for a crew of four Kerbals. It is designed to have Mk3-sized parts attached to its back. It has the highest impact tolerance of any crew module in the game.

It received a model and texture overhaul in the 0.90 update, when Mk3 parts were overhauled and resized and new ones were added.


The Mk3 cockpit is generally placed at the front of the spacecraft. On the front, it has a small radial size attachment point, where parts such as RCS tanks, SAS modules or a nose cone can be attached. Its back has a Mk3 shape and size, making it useful for Mk3 Fuselages to be attached. It is currently missing an IVA.

Although the Mk3 Cockpit is larger, supports a crew of 4 Kerbals and carries more monopropellant than the Mk1-2 Command Pod, it only weigths 3.9t compared to 4.12t. The properties of this cockpit fit its role well. Its powerful reaction wheels are useful big spaceplane. It can hold 500 units of electric charge and 100 units of monopropellant, enough for a experienced pilot to do the procedures of take off-docking-landing of the typical SSTO missions.

This cockpit has some tweakables:

  • ToggleFlag - removes-adds the flag of the mission. (VAB/SPH only)
  • Lights On/Lights Off - switches the cockpit internal light.

Product description

A cockpit for those die hard explorers. Especially useful when transporting extra crew to a remote rock to save the day. Note: IVA still in shipping and customs.


  • New model and texture (With a blank IVA at this point)
  • Texture changed
  • Mass increased from 1 to 3.5
  • Added Electrical power
  • Added IVA
  • Initial release