LV-T45 "Swivel" Liquid Fuel Engine/zh-cn
LV-T45“转轮”液体燃料引擎 | ||
Liquid fuel engine 制造商: Jebediah Kerman废品回收和飞船部件公司 | ||
径向尺寸 | 小 | |
成本 | (总计) | 1 200.00 |
质量 | (总计) | 1.500 吨 |
阻力 | 0.2 | |
最高承受温度 | 2000 开尔文 | |
最大冲击加速度 | 7 米/秒 | |
对应技术 | 基础火箭学 | |
解锁费用 | 3 500 | |
自版本 | 0.12 | |
部件配置文件 | liquidEngineLV-T45_v2.cfg | |
最大推力 | (1 标准大气压) | 167.97 千牛頓 |
(vacuum) | 215.00 千牛頓 | |
比冲 | (1 标准大气压) | 250 秒 |
(vacuum) | 320 秒 | |
燃料消耗量 | 13.70 /秒 | |
推力矢量 | 3 ° | |
发电量 | 6.0 ⚡/秒 | |
Testing Environments | ||
On the surface | 是 | |
In the ocean | 是 | |
On the launchpad | 是 | |
In the atmosphere | 是 | |
Sub-orbital | 是 | |
In an orbit | 是 | |
On an escape | 是 | |
已对接 | 否 | |
Test by staging | 是 | |
Manually testable | 是 | |
包裹容量 | 无 |
LV-T45“转轮”液体燃料引擎是一种基本的liquid fuel engine。
“ | LV-T45引擎因其推力拥有矢量而被认为是LV-T系列的突破。LV-T45可以偏转推力,以帮助控制飞行器。然而,与其他LV-T引擎相比,这些增加的性能使发动机变得更小、更重。 — Jebediah Kerman废品回收和飞船部件公司 |
” |
作为一种液体燃料发动机,转轮具有油门控制、关闭和重启功能,使其更容易安全准确地控制载具。转轮引擎与LV-T30 "Reliant" Liquid Fuel Engine很相似,但燃烧室略小,膨胀率更高,并具有推力矢量控制功能。其略微减小的推力和显著增加的质量降低了其推重比,使其不太适合作为第一级火箭引擎。它最适合于作为第二级火箭和平行于地面起飞的核心引擎。在这些位置,更长的工作时间和更高的高度发挥了该发动机在比冲方面的优势。
There are two excellent applications of this engine: in the core stage of parallel booster configurations, where its thrust vector control allows active control of a vehicle powered chiefly by Reliant or BACC "Thumper" Solid Fuel Booster solid boosters for lift-off, followed by the Swivel engine(s) continuing to operate after the strap-on stages have depleted and separated. And in the second stage of an aerodynamically stabilized booster started aloft using a suitable solid motor stage where the operation of the first stage is controlled by reaction wheels or the first stage burns out prior to the commencement of the gravity turn.
- Previously, this engine was unlocked after the LV-T30 "Reliant" Liquid Fuel Engine. The product number and description support the idea of the Swivel being a more advanced version of the Reliant.
- It is similar in appearance to the RS-56-OSA core sustainer engine used by the late Atlas II rocket.
- New model
- Atmospheric Isp decreased from 270 to 250.
- Thrust increased from 200 to 215.
- Isp decreased from 370 s (vacuum) / 320 s (1 atm) to 320 s (vacuum) / 270 s (1 atm)
- Gimbal range increased from 1° to 3°
- Cost increased from 950 to 1200
- Electricity production increased to 6.0
- New model and texture
- Alternator added, engine now gains 1.0 electricity
- Major CFG revision (most notably Isp added)
- Initial Release