Small Inline Reaction Wheel/zh-cn
From Kerbal Space Program Wiki
这款 小型轴向动量轮 (先前 名叫 轴向动量轮) 是一个可开关 动量轮 ,为提供飞船扭力 . 额外的扭力意味着当玩家发出指令后飞船可以旋转的更快 , 感觉操控飞船更轻捷. 这个轴向动量轮属于'微型' 尺寸动量轮.小inline动量轮似乎类似来自于1968的电影 2001:太空漫游 中的HAL 9000.
“ | 对于动量轮 来说,安装位置很重要. 一般来说把他们安装的远离质量中心会导致一些问题. 想象你抓着一个点旋转它. 这就是动量轮将尝试做的. 你会在靠近质量中心旋转到其他任何地方 — C7航天部门 |
” |
然而, 这实际上是不正确的 对于刚性的飞船. 动量轮提供同样的扭力而不管安装位置. 然而, 偏离中心的动量轮会使得非常长的飞船, 特别是带通过对接口连接的, 弯曲 , 这可能导致不稳定.
“ | 轴向动量轮系统用一组高速旋转的碟片, 不消耗任何推进剂产生需要的扭力控制飞船 . 请不要尝试在其正在运行时维护. | ” |
- No longer has any SAS functionality - only provides torque
- Renamed “Inline Reaction Wheel” into “Small Inline Reaction Wheel”
- Resized model and radial size from small to tiny
- Mass decreased from 0.12 to 0.05
- Torque decreased from 8 to 5
- Required electricity decreased from 24.0/min to 15.0/min
- Mass decreased from 0.3 to 0.12
- Torque decreased from 20 to 8
- Increased torque (3 → 20)
- Mass decreased from 0.5 to 0.3
- Renamed from “S.A.S Module” into “Inline Reaction Wheel”
- Mass increased from 0.07 to 0.5
- Costs electric charge
- New model and texture
- (Undocumented) Mass reduced from 0.8 to 0.07, cost reduced from 2300 to 600
- (Undocumented) Torque increased from 10 to 20, Ki/Kp/Kd changed from 1.0 / 3.0 / 5.0 to 0.0 / 5.0 / 3.5
- (undocumented) SAS now use angular momentum instead of angular velocity - takes into account inertia momentum of the ship [1]
- (undocumented) Tweaked Kd, Ki and Kp parameters
- Exposed Kd, Ki and Kp parameters for tuning the SAS module
- SAS toggle with T key
- Initial Release