Rockomax Jumbo-64 Fuel Tank/ru

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Топливный бак Рокомакс «Джамбо-64»
Вид детали
Бак жидкого топлива от
Концерн «Рокомакс»

Размер Большой, Установленный радиально
Стоимость (полн.) 5 750,00 Funds
(сух.) 2 812,40 Funds
Масса (полн.) 36,000 т
(сух.) 4,000 т
Лобовое сопротивление 0.3-0.2
Макс.темп. 2000 К
Откл.: столк. 6 м/с
Технология Advanced fuel systems.png Продвинутые топливные системы
Стоимость разработки 24 200 Funds
С версии 0.18
Конфигурация fuelTankJumbo-64.cfg
Жидкое топливо 2 880 Units of fuel
Окислитель 3 520 Units of fuel
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Rockomax Jumbo-64 - обеспечивает подачу топлива к прилагаемым жидкотопливным бакам. Являлся крупнейшим баком до версии 0.23.5 . Двигатели крепящиеся непосредственно к нему будет сильно нагревать бак, в следствии чего может произойти авария. Решением является добавление между двигателем и Rockomax Jumbo-64 другого бака (например Rockomax X200-8 Fuel Tank/ru) Топливный бак "Jumbo-64" от "Rockomax" (англ. "Rockomax Jumbo-64 Fuel Tank") provides fuel to attached liquid fuel engines, and was the largest liquid fuel tank prior to 0.23.5. The appearance of the tank, including the rust-like orange colour is inspired by Space Shuttle external tank. However, unlike the real life counterpart containing liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen, the Jumbo-64 contains the unspecified liquid fuel and oxidizer.


That's how many fuel tanks can SAFELY go on the same craft.

As of 0.23[outdated], this tank does not transfer heat effectively. Engines attached directly to it and running at full throttle (особенно ЖРД "Грот" или ЯРД "LV-N") risk overheat. Throttling down, or placing a fuel tank (such as the топливный бак "X200-8") or structural component in between the engines and the Jumbo-64 fuel tank will fix this. Another workaround for this problem is to stack two Rockomax X200-32 Fuel Tanks in place of a Jumbo-64. Together they have exactly the same mass, fuel capacity, drag and dimensions but different part count which might impact on the performance of the game.

The Mainsail produces less heat in 0.22. Its heat production was lowered from 500 to 400, reducing the chance of overheating. The LV-N will no longer overheat under this tank as of 0.22. The Aerospike has a higher maximum temperature as of 0.22, also reducing its overheat risk.

There is a "01" label near the top lip of the fuel tank.


Before 0.23.5 it was the heaviest part, when fuelled, and the largest tank. Both records go the бак "S3-14400" with it's release. Additionally the "LFB KR-1x2" was released in 0.23.5 which can store the same amount of fuel and additionally provides engines. So even between all tanks with a large radius, or smaller, the Jumbo-64 tank is not the heaviest part and shares the record of the largest tank of that radius with the LFB KR-1x2. Of the tanks introduced in 0.23.5 it's only larger than бак "S3-3600" which is the smallest of the new tanks.

Описание изделия

« The largest tank available from Rockomax, the Jumbo-64 holds a vast amount of fuel in a friendly orange insulated container. Contrary to popular belief, the Jumbo-64 is NOT orange flavored and should NOT be tasted.  »


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