Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port Sr./ja

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Clamp-O-Tron Sr. Docking Port/Box

The Clamp-O-Tron Sr. Docking Port is a port used for docking of two spacecrafts.



Due to its large radius it provides a much more rigid connection than the small-sized Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port resulting in a lot less wobble. This makes it the preferred choice for docking very large and heavy vessels. Otherwise it is functionally identical to all other docking ports, but a lot heavier than them.

Note that in order to dock two spacecrafts, both must be equipped with docking ports of equal size. When constructing a spacecraft, another part which is not a docking port can be placed on it. That part can then be undocked, but not redocked.

Compared with the other docking ports, it is not obvious which side is the active one. Only the active side can be attached to the active side of another docking port of the same size or detach any part connected to it. The active side has more detail and a ring slightly smaller than the usual diameter. The picture to the left shows which side which should face outside.


ドッキングの接続をより強固にするにはどうするかという問題に対する、ひたむきで多額の費用を掛けた研究の結果Clamp-O-Tron Sr.が開発されました。janitor研究員の「大きくしたらいいんじゃないの?」という素晴らしい提案のお陰で、今や皆が宇宙空間で巨大な物体をドッキングするという真のスリルを味わえます。

Strength against pulling apart

The strength of docking ports is hard to determine. In real life the strength of a docking port is depended by many factors, basically if you are folding the connection or just pulling it. But who cares about real world here?

  • At a force of 100 kN a little gap between the docking ports is formed. The gap is getting bigger with increasing force.
  • At a force of 1100 kN the docking ports are about a meter apart. Relating to a stress–strain curve this would be the elastic limit.
  • At 1120 kN (a little bit more than a J-2 engine used in the Saturn 5 rocket) the parts are moving slowly apart. This makes the game think the ship is getting longer. This is why the camera - pointing always the center of mass - is moving. At a distance of about 70 meters the docking port are being ripped apart (letting the camera flipping back).

The force on a docking port within a space ship (e.g. when you are pulling something) is much smaller than your engine force because the part being pulled is going with you. To be on the safe side one can use as a rule of thumb that the port stress is the force applied by the mass of the part that is pulled. More accurate would it is the force of the part pulling minus the force of the part that is pulled.


同じClamp-O-Tron portシリーズ(ジュニア無印シニア)であっても、互換性は無くドッキングすることは出来ない。


  • 実装。