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Used correctly, an inordinate amount of fuel tanks are not necessary for orbit, as you cannot generate enough thrust in atmosphere with the liquid engine to make up for their weight.
Used correctly, an inordinate amount of fuel tanks are not necessary for orbit, as you cannot generate enough thrust in atmosphere with the liquid engine to make up for their weight.
== Product description ==
== ゲーム内の説明 ==
{{Quote|The FL series was received as a substantial upgrade over previous fuel containers used in the Space Program, generally due to it's ability to keep the fuel unexploded more often than not. Fuel tanks are useless if there isn't a Liquid Engine attached under it. They can also be stacked with other fuel tanks to increase the amount of fuel for the engine below.}}
== 変更点 ==
== 変更点 ==

Revision as of 16:50, 22 September 2014

FL-T400 燃料タンク
Liquid fuel tank によって

接続サイズ M, 側面設置
コスト (合計) 500.00 Funds
(乾燥) 316.40 Funds
質量 (合計) 2.250 t
(乾燥) 0.250 t
空気抵抗 0.3-0.2
耐熱温度 2000 K
耐衝撃性 6 m/秒
開発技術 Advanced rocketry.png 先進的ロケット工学
開発導入費 1 600 Funds
バージョンから 0.7.3
Part configuration fuelTankT400.cfg
積載量 なし
液体燃料 180 Units of fuel
酸化剤 220 Units of fuel

The FL-T400 Fuel Tank provides fuel to liquid fuel engines, like the LV-T30, attached beneath it.


The FL-T400 Fuel Tank, along with the FL-T800 Fuel Tank, are the only liquid fuel tanks in the demo, and the only way to power the LV-series liquid fuel engines. It provides thrust for a short duration that may be extended by stacking multiple fuel tanks on top of each other. Since 0.13 it can be attached to radial decouplers and the sides of other fuel tanks.

With a fuel reserve of 400 liters, one tank can power a single LV-T30 engine for up to 33.76 seconds at full thrust.

Unlike the RT-10 Solid Fuel Booster, the amount of thrust can be dictated by the user, with varying severity in and out of the atmosphere of Kerbin. One can use full thrust, with a higher chance of overheat during atmospheric burning, and optimal thrust during low orbit, and minimal thrust for course corrections during high orbit.

Used correctly, an inordinate amount of fuel tanks are not necessary for orbit, as you cannot generate enough thrust in atmosphere with the liquid engine to make up for their weight.




  • モデルとテクスチャを刷新。
  • パーツ名称をFL-T500からFL-T400へ変更。あわせてコストを550から850へ、容量を500から400へ、合計質量を2.5から2.25へ、乾燥質量を0.3から0.25へ変更。
  • 右クリックメニューに燃料残量の表示と、燃料使用の切り替えボタンが追加された(リリースノートに記載なし)。
  • 側面取り付けと積層が可能になった(リリースノートに記載なし)
  • 燃料タンクが空になった際に(燃料タンク切り替え処理のバグで)パフォーマンスが低下する問題を修正。
  • エンジンが燃料タンクに接続できない小さいながらも非常に破壊的なバグを修正。
  • 燃料タンクを積み重ねて容量(重量も)を増やせるようになった。
  • VAB内でtri-coupler、燃料タンク、デカップラーの配置に関するバグを修正
  • KSP初公開。