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== 使い方 ==
== 使い方 ==
The LT-2 Landing Strut is used as a landing support when landing vertically. It is connected radially and extends with the G key (Default). It extends much farther than the smaller cousin [[LT-1 Landing Strut|LT-1]] through a unique telescoping action, making it suitable for landers with larger engines.
LT-2は垂直着陸で用いられる。側面取り付け式でデフォルトでは{{key press|G}}キーで展開収納が行われる。独特な展開方式により兄弟機である[[LT-1 Landing Strut/ja|LT-1]]よりもはるかに大きい変化量と最大長を持っており、より大型のエンジンも守ることが出来る。
Although comparatively long, LT-2 landing struts still need to be placed low on a rocket.  They do extend far enough to be used with [[LV-T30 Liquid Fuel Engine|LV-T30]] or [[LV-T45 Liquid Fuel Engine]]s, but cannot reach past the [[LV-N Atomic Rocket Motor|LV-N]] or [[Rockomax "Mainsail" Liquid Engine|Mainsail]].
比較的長いLT-2を以ってしても、可能な限り機体下部に設置する必要がある。[[LV-T30 Liquid Fuel Engine/ja|LV-T30]][[LV-T45 Liquid Fuel Engine/ja|LV-T45]]を守るには十分な長さだが、[[LV-N Atomic Rocket Motor/ja|LV-N]][[Rockomax "Mainsail" Liquid Engine/ja|Mainsail]]の全高には届かない。
LT-2 Landing struts start in an folded state, and will need to be extended. This is done with the “G” key or hitting the “extend gear” button on the HUD. While in motion the legs can produce substantial forces, potentially resulting in a several meter “hop”. If the leg collides with another part of the rocket, it can break connections and push that part away.<!--- [[http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=11407.0]]-->
LT-2 Landing struts start in an folded state, and will need to be extended. This is done with the “G” key or hitting the “extend gear” button on the HUD. While in motion the legs can produce substantial forces, potentially resulting in a several meter “hop”. If the leg collides with another part of the rocket, it can break connections and push that part away.<!--- [[http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=11407.0]]-->

Revision as of 06:05, 5 October 2014

LT-2 着陸脚
Landing leg によって

接続サイズ 側面設置
コスト (合計) 340.00 Funds
質量 (合計) 0.100 t
空気抵抗 0.2
耐熱温度 2000 K
耐衝撃性 12 m/秒
開発技術 Landing.png 先進的着陸技術
開発導入費 4 100 Funds
バージョンから 0.14
Part configuration landingLegLT-2.cfg
格納可能 はい
ブレーキトルク いいえ
ステアリング最大角度 いいえ
積載量 300 l

LT-2 Landing Strutは主に天体表面へ安全に着陸するために用いられる着陸脚である。0.14で実装されるまでは、ウイングレットが代用品としてMun着陸に用いられていた。




LT-2 Landing struts start in an folded state, and will need to be extended. This is done with the “G” key or hitting the “extend gear” button on the HUD. While in motion the legs can produce substantial forces, potentially resulting in a several meter “hop”. If the leg collides with another part of the rocket, it can break connections and push that part away.

The maximum safe landing speed for an LT-2 landing strut is ~12 m/s. Landings with massive rockets or on rough terrain may need to be slower to avoid ripping off landing legs.

As of 0.23.5, landing leg mass is counted. This is in contrast to landing gear.




  • サスペンション機能を追加。
  • 実装。